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7 Portraits of Sisca Kohl and Aliyyah, Crazy Rich TikTok Stars Who Make Nasi Padang - Seblak Flavored Ice Cream

7 Portraits of Sisca Kohl and Aliyyah, Crazy Rich TikTok Stars Who Make Nasi Padang - Seblak Flavored Ice Cream

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7 Portraits of Sisca Kohl and Aliyyah, Crazy Rich TikTok Stars Who Make Nasi Padang - Seblak Flavored Ice Cream

TikTok introduces many new viral stars, including siblings Sisca Kohl and Aliyyah. These two women are known as TikTok stars who are wealthy. They even have an ice cream machine to create various food flavors and have used an iPad as a cutting board. Get to know them better through the following portraits.

7 Portraits of Sisca Kohl and Aliyyah, Crazy Rich TikTok Stars Who Make Nasi Padang - Seblak Flavored Ice Cream

Recently, Sisca's name went viral because she saved millions of rupiah in a safe that she called her childhood piggy bank.


Not only that, these siblings are known for often creating mukbang content and cooking in their room.


Having their own machine, they often try to make ice cream with various flavors ranging from nasi padang to seblak.

7 Portraits of Sisca Kohl and Aliyyah, Crazy Rich TikTok Stars Who Make Nasi Padang - Seblak Flavored Ice Cream

Previously, they went viral when using an iPad as a cooking board.


Of course, their content immediately went viral and entertained the missqueen people.


Until now, Sisca's TikTok account has reached 3.3 million followers.


Well, that's the portrait of Sisca and Aliyyah that has now gone viral. What do you think?