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8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

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8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

Life is not always beautiful. Sometimes, there are things that make us feel tired, lose inspiration and motivation. But everything that is lost can be found again, including inspiration and motivation. One way to do it is by reading books. Because, there are many books about life that are full of inspiration and can ignite motivation.

Curious, what books are they? To find out, just take a look at the following list of recommendations.


Teras Philosophy is one of the recommended books about life that has become a mega best seller. The book written by Henry Manampiring discusses the philosophy of Stoicism that has existed since ancient Greece and Rome. Despite being thousands of years old, it turns out that philosophy is still relevant today. To prove this relevance, Henry presents real-life cases that we can truly encounter in the daily lives of young people.

8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

Dare Not Liked is a book recommendation about life. This book, written by Japanese authors Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, invites readers to accept themselves more and live according to their hearts. In short, this book will make readers pay more attention to themselves and ignore the views of others that are often cynical and actually destroy happiness.


In the list of book recommendations about life, there is a book by Mark Manson titled The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. This book has also become a bestseller in various parts of the world. As the title suggests, this book reveals the importance of occasionally not caring about something that bothers us. This book will show that not giving a f*ck attitude is a key to a simple and peaceful way of life, but often forgotten.

8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

Some people care too much about others, to the point of forgetting themselves. As a result, life becomes empty and often feels tired alone. If you are in a phase of life like this, the book How to Respect Myself is a must-read. This book, written by a specialist psychiatrist, will train you to appreciate and believe in yourself.

8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

Many still underestimate and trivialize emotional wounds or traumas. The book Healing Emotional Wounds is written by a specialist psychiatrist named Dr. Jiemi Ardian, Sp.Kj. Through this book, Dr. Jiemi explains how important it is to care for and heal emotional wounds. Because, if left untreated, emotional wounds can affect someone's life.


The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up is one of the books about life that will teach you the meaning of happiness through a minimalist lifestyle. This book by Marie Kondo will open your eyes to the happiness that can be found in simplicity. Through this book, Marie Kondo teaches how to get rid of useless items, so that you can focus on storing items that have value. As a result, you will no longer be impulsive and consumptive.


Have you ever felt untalented and unsure if you can succeed in life? If the answer is yes, try reading the book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. This book will explain that success is not only determined by talent, but perseverance plays a more influential role. Interestingly, this book is written based on the author's experiences and interviews with successful figures in the world.

8 Recommended Books About Life that are Inspirational and Full of Motivation, Preparing to Live More Peacefully

Quarter-life crisis is often considered one of the most challenging phases in life. During this phase, a person usually feels extreme confusion about life. The book You Do You: Discovering Life Through Experiments & Self-Awareness will provide insights to break free from the shackles of the quarter-life crisis. This book will guide readers to navigate through one of the toughest phases in life while living a lighter and calmer life.