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9 Childhood Portraits of Rey Bong, 'DARI JENDELA SMP' Actor, Already Had Star Quality Since Childhood

9 Childhood Portraits of Rey Bong, 'DARI JENDELA SMP' Actor, Already Had Star Quality Since Childhood (credit: - The soap opera DARI JENDELA SMP recently attracted public attention. This soap opera is mostly starred by child celebrities who have now grown up, one of them is Rey Bong who plays as Joko. Telling the story of teenage life, this soap opera is loved by teenagers who are curious about the storyline.

In addition, the portrait of the main actor Rey Bong who has a handsome face is one of the reasons why fans idolize him. Not only did he attract attention when he successfully portrayed Joko, but his co-star Sandrinna Michelle has been active in the entertainment industry since a long time ago.

Now that he has grown up, let's take a look at Rey Bong's childhood portraits that will make you fall in love.


1. Cute Poses When a Toddler

This adorable toddler is actually a picture of Rey Bong when he was still a toddler. Even as a toddler, he already had a star aura. Rey showed this in several poses in front of the camera. The pony hairstyle and sweet smile make anyone even more fond of Rey's childhood pictures.

2. Child Model

Muhammad Fahreyza Anugrah Efrianda, the full name of the owner, has been active since childhood. Like in this picture, the teenager who is now 14 years old is very skilled at posing like a model. This collage-shaped picture successfully makes female fans adore him.

3. Showing Off a Cute Face

It is known that Rey Bong has been actively posting his childhood pictures. In this uploaded picture, Rey Bong is seen showing off his cute face. In this candid picture, he looks innocent and adorable. How old do you think Rey is in this picture?

4. Jabrik Hairstyle

Since he was little, Rey Bong has been good at posing in front of the camera. In fact, he can also style himself coolly when taking photos. Like in this portrait, Rey shows off his sweet smile and folded hands pose, making him look so cool. He always has a stylish appearance too. Rey Bong's jabrik hairstyle also successfully grabs attention.

5. Dressed Like an Adult

When Rey Bong was still a child, he always looked cool with his outfits. In this portrait, Rey's candid style is adorable once again. He looks so handsome, dressed like an adult. Wearing a white t-shirt combined with a checkered patterned shirt, his appearance is stunning.

6. Stylish SWAG

It is known that Rey Bong started his career in the entertainment industry since 2013, when he was only 8 years old. It's no wonder that during his childhood, Rey Bong already showed his talent as a public figure. In this portrait, the SI DOEL THE MOVIE actor is seen showcasing a cool SWAG style.

7. Starting to Actively Shoot

Unlike other children his age who still enjoy spending time playing, Rey Bong seems to have to spend his time developing his talent in the world of acting. In this portrait, Rey is seen very focused while reading the script before shooting.

8. Always Looking Cool

Who doesn't get fond of Rey Bong's childhood portrait? Having a handsome and adorable face makes him admired by many. In his childhood portrait, Rey always looks cool on several occasions.

9. Portrait of a Teenager

Growing up as a teenager, Rey Bong's appearance began to change. Rey Bong became more skilled at matching fashion. It's no wonder that now more and more people idolize him for the star aura and charismatic nature he possesses.

Those are a series of adorable childhood portraits of Rey Bong. Being active in his career since childhood, his name has soared and achieved success at a young age. Keep up the success, Rey Bong.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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