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9 Hairstyle Models That Actually Don't Look Cool And You Definitely Don't Want Hair Like This

9 Hairstyle Models That Actually Don't Look Cool And You Definitely Don't Want Hair Like This

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9 Hairstyle Models That Actually Don't Look Cool And You Definitely Don't Want Hair Like This

Usually, when it comes to hairstyles, people want to look cool and of course, they need to be neatly cut to attract many people. However, some hairstyles are not cool at all and can be considered absurd and bizarre. Not only that, these hairstyles can be considered face hairstyles, and of course, you wouldn't want to have hair like this.

Curious about what these uncool hairstyles look like? Let's take a look.


Like this is a strange hairstyle model that will definitely make you slap your forehead. The hairstyle is made to resemble someone's face, I wonder what the motivation is to make such a hairstyle?

9 Hairstyle Models That Actually Don't Look Cool And You Definitely Don't Want Hair Like This

This hairstyle is designed to not be noticed while sleeping, the haircut resembles a serious face. It's just annoying, isn't it KLovers?


Furthermore, there's this hairstyle where only the mustache and eyebrows are left, the rest just looks like someone's face but creepy, right?


Oh, the hairstyle is really hilarious, this kind of haircut really catches people's attention. Unique, right KLovers?

9 Hairstyle Models That Actually Don't Look Cool And You Definitely Don't Want Hair Like This

I'm sure what comes to mind for KLovers is that this hairstyle resembles a stern mustached man wearing glasses, right?


So cute, the hair is in the form of two eyes, one of which blinks. KLovers, don't forget to blink back, okay?


Surely you wouldn't want to have hair like this. Just looking at it indirectly makes you cringe.

9 Hairstyle Models That Actually Don't Look Cool And You Definitely Don't Want Hair Like This

Oh no, seeing hair like this is scary. 


Safe and controlled, while sleeping the hairstyle represents a smile. How about you, KLovers, what kind of hairstyle do you want? Don't forget to comment below.