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Beware of 8 Minor Actions That Can Invalidate Your Fast, Including Swallowing Food Remnants

Beware of 8 Minor Actions That Can Invalidate Your Fast, Including Swallowing Food Remnants Illustration of vomiting (credit: unsplash) - Ramadan is a holy month full of blessings for Muslims, during which fasting becomes an inseparable obligation. In addition to refraining from eating, drinking, and sexual relations from dawn until sunset, there are several things that may seem trivial but can invalidate our fast without us realizing it.

Often, while observing the fast, we get caught up in small actions that can actually nullify it. As devoted believers, it is important for us to understand well the things that can invalidate our fast so that our worship remains valid and accepted.

Here are some trivial behaviors that should be avoided to ensure your fast remains intact and does not unexpectedly break. Let’s take a detailed look at each action that can invalidate your fast.

1. Swallowing Saliva Mixed with Food Residue

Often, we do not realize that swallowing saliva mixed with food or drink residue in the mouth can invalidate our fast. This usually happens when we just wake up and unknowingly swallow saliva that still contains traces of food or drink from the night before. It is very important to avoid this so that our fast remains valid.

Moreover, if there is food stuck in our teeth and we intentionally swallow it, that can also nullify the fast. Therefore, it is important to be more careful while eating and to ensure our dental hygiene so that this unwanted incident does not occur.

2. Inserting Objects into the Nose

Not only that, the act of intentionally inserting objects into the nose or ears, such as cotton or other small items, can also invalidate the fast. This is because these objects can enter the body through passages that are considered as openings that nullify the fast.

Additionally, vomiting that is done intentionally is also one of the things that can invalidate the fast. However, if the vomiting occurs unintentionally, then the fast is still considered valid.

3. Dripping Eye Drops into the Throat

There are several things that can invalidate a fast, one of which is intentionally dripping eye drops into the throat. If tears flow naturally, the fast remains valid. However, if done with intention, this action can invalidate the fast.

4. Touching with Desire

Fasting is not just about refraining from hunger and thirst, but also about protecting oneself from various temptations. One thing to be mindful of is touching the opposite gender's genitals with desire. Even if it does not lead to sexual intercourse, this action can invalidate the fast and nullify the rewards that have been fought for.

Moreover, kissing the opposite gender with passion also falls into the category that can invalidate the fast. Religious teachings remind us to avoid any activities that may arouse desire during this holy month.

5. Swallowing Nosebleed

Swallowing a nosebleed while fasting can actually invalidate the fast! If the blood is inhaled and enters the throat, then our fast is considered broken. Not only that, swallowing vomit that comes up during fasting has the same consequence. Although sometimes we do it unconsciously, if it is done intentionally, our fast can be at risk.

In addition, be careful with small objects that may get stuck in your teeth. If we intentionally swallow them, it can also invalidate the fast. Therefore, it is very important to be cautious while eating to avoid swallowing foreign objects without realizing it.

6. Smoking

Smoking is clearly an obstacle to the validity of fasting. It's not just about inhaling smoke; even the smoke from cigarettes that is inhaled is considered capable of breaking the fast. Additionally, the act of injecting medication, whether through an infusion or injection, is also not overlooked. Both are considered methods of introducing substances into the body that can invalidate the act of fasting.

7. Inhaling Aromatherapy Oil

Inhaling the steam of aromatherapy oil that is intentionally inhaled can actually break the fast! When the steam enters the body through the respiratory tract, it can invalidate the fast we are observing.

8. Inserting Liquid into the Ear

One of the things to consider while fasting is actions that can nullify the fast itself. For example, inserting liquid into the ear, whether it be water or oil, for the purpose of cleaning. Although the intention is good for hygiene, this action can be considered as breaking the fast.

Additionally, the enema procedure, which involves introducing liquid into the anus, also falls into the category of actions that can break the fast. This process risks disrupting the sanctity of the fasting worship, so it is very important to be cautious and understand the consequences.

9. FAQ

Q: Does sleeping invalidate the fast?

A: Sleeping does not invalidate the fast as long as no actions that invalidate the fast occur, such as having a wet dream or any other actions involving the release of semen.

Q: Does brushing teeth with toothpaste invalidate the fast?

A: Brushing teeth does not invalidate the fast, but if you intentionally swallow toothpaste or water that is swallowed while brushing, then the fast can be invalidated.

Q: If I accidentally vomit, does my fast become invalid?

A: No, unintentional vomiting does not invalidate the fast. However, if you intentionally vomit food, then the fast is invalidated.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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