Kapanlagi.com - Javanese people, especially those who are still traditional, believe that a person's weton will determine the magnitude of their fortune throughout their life. Each weton is believed to have different fortune of fortune. Sabtu Kliwon is one of the Javanese weton that is considered quite lucky in terms of fortune. The fortunate fortune of Sabtu Kliwon can be seen through a method of calculation called Primbon.
Yes, Primbon is still a guide for traditional Javanese people in various aspects, including fortune-telling. Among the many predictions in Primbon, fortune is one of the most sought-after. If you were born with the weton of Sabtu Kliwon and curious about the fortune prediction, just take a look at the following explanation.
1. Saturday Kliwon Neptu

Illustration of Neptu Weton Saturday Kliwon (credit: unsplash)
In general, Saturday Kliwon is considered one of the most auspicious neptu according to Javanese Primbon. The fortune of Saturday Kliwon is said to be quite large. To know the fortune prediction of Saturday Kliwon, it is necessary to know the neptu number first.
For those of you who are not familiar with neptu and weton, the neptu number is obtained by adding the value of the birth day and the Javanese market day. According to Javanese Primbon, the birth day and the market day have their own values. The values of each birth day and market day are as follows.
1. Birth Day
- Sunday has a value of 5
- Monday has a value of 4
- Tuesday has a value of 3
- Wednesday has a value of 7
- Thursday has a value of 8
- Friday has a value of 6
- Saturday has a value of 9
2. Market Day
- Legi has a value of 5
- Pahing has a value of 9
- Pon has a value of 7
- Wage has a value of 4
- Kliwon has a value of 8
Based on the list of values of the birth day and market day above, the neptu of Saturday Kliwon is 17. The neptu number is derived from 9 (the value of Saturday) + 8 (the value of Kliwon market day).
2. Fortune on Saturday Kliwon
In Javanese Primbon, the size of someone's fortune is believed to be determined by the size of their neptu. The bigger the neptu, the more abundant the fortune they will receive. Since Saturday Kliwon has a neptu value of 17, it is believed that the owner of Saturday Kliwon's weton will also have a smooth and abundant fortune.
Moreover, the large neptu value of the weton is said to also affect the fortune of the family. Since birth, a child who has a Saturday Kliwon weton is believed to bring fortune to their family. Their birth is also believed to contribute to the fortune of their parents and their luck in their career.
The abundant fortune of the parents makes the child born on Saturday Kliwon's weton become well-off in all aspects. This is even believed to continue into adulthood when they start earning a living. Throughout their life, the owner of Saturday Kliwon's weton is also said to rarely experience significant difficulties or hardships.
Although it sounds smooth, the Saturday Kliwon weton still experiences ups and downs in life. According to the Sri Palgati Book, the owner of Saturday Kliwon's weton experiences a period of glory at the ages of 18-23, 42-47, and 72-77. Therefore, outside of these years, it is recommended to be patient and keep striving.
3. Saturday Kliwon Career

Career Illustration Weton Sabtu Kliwon (credit: unsplash)
Talking about fortune will certainly not be far from a career. Indeed, fortune and career or job are always intertwined. A good job or career will definitely result in a large income.
Fortunately, based on the Javanese neptu calculation, which is a high number of 17, owners of Saturday Kliwon birthdate are fortunate in their careers. There are many jobs that can be considered suitable for owners of Saturday Kliwon birthdate. These types of jobs are quite diverse, ranging from the political arena, entrepreneurship, education, industry, and many others.
Saturday Kliwon birthdate holders have intelligence and authority. Therefore, they are very suitable to become regional leaders, teachers, writers, and so on. In addition, owners of Saturday Kliwon birthdate are also considered suitable to become traders or entrepreneurs.
According to primbon.com, Saturday Kliwon birthdate is very suitable for being an entrepreneur because their fate rarely encounters obstacles. This apparently also applies to running a business. Moreover, owners of Saturday Kliwon birthdate are known to have extraordinary creativity that is clearly useful in developing a business.
4. Soulmate Fortune Sabtu Kliwon

Illustration of Jodoh Rezeki Sabtu Kliwon (credit: unsplash)
For Javanese people, especially those who adhere to traditional beliefs, finding the right soulmate is considered part of their fortune. Therefore, discussions about fortune on Sabtu Kliwon would not be complete without talking about soulmates.
It turns out that having a high neptu value, specifically 17, makes it easier for those with Sabtu Kliwon as their weton to determine their soulmate. This is because a high neptu value increases the number of compatible weton for Sabtu Kliwon. Some compatible soulmates for Sabtu Kliwon are those with neptu values of 17, 12, and 7.
These neptu values can be found in people born on Kamis Pahing, Selasa Wage, Sabtu Kliwon, Selasa Pahing, Senin Kliwon, Rabu Legi, Minggu Pon, and Kamis Wage.
It is believed that relationships with these compatible weton will last a lifetime. The marriage will also be harmonious, happy, prosperous, and abundant. However, it is still possible to face challenges in the marriage. No matter how difficult it may be, it can be overcome as long as it is faced with patience and mutual understanding.
Those are some insights about fortune on Sabtu Kliwon according to Javanese Primbon calculations. Hopefully, this can answer your curiosity!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.