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Can Imsak Eat Food? Find the Answer Here!

Can Imsak Eat Food? Find the Answer Here! Can Imsak Eat Food? Find the Answer Here! - Every Ramadan, the term "imsak" always becomes a focus among Muslims. Many consider imsak as a signal for the end of sahur time and the beginning of fasting. However, is it true that after imsak we are prohibited from eating and drinking? This confusion often arises, especially in Indonesia, where imsak is usually announced a few minutes before the dawn call to prayer.

Some immediately stop sahur upon hearing imsak, while others choose to continue eating until the call to prayer is heard. This situation raises a significant question about when the actual deadline for sahur is.

Scholars have various views regarding imsak and the deadline for sahur. Based on evidence from the Qur'an and hadith, there are detailed explanations about when fasting actually begins. Let’s delve deeper into the ruling on eating after imsak and the purpose behind the establishment of the imsak time!

1. 1. What is Imsak and What is its Origin?

Imsak, which comes from the word "al-imsak" meaning to restrain oneself, has become an important term in the context of fasting, marking the moment when Muslims are advised to begin refraining from eating and drinking before dawn. According to Agus Supriadi, Lc., M.H.I, a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Religion at Muhammadiyah University of Malang, this term became widely known since the Ottoman Empire and Egypt in the 1400s.

"The time of imsak is usually used to cleanse oneself from food remnants after sahur, either by rinsing the mouth or brushing the teeth," he stated in an interview quoted from

In Indonesia, the Ministry of Religion sets the time of imsak as a reminder for Muslims to prepare for fasting, which usually falls about 10-15 minutes before the dawn call to prayer. However, a question arises: does imsak mean we can no longer eat and drink?

2. 2. The Evidence from the Qur'an and Hadith about the End Time of Suhoor

The Qur'an clearly underscores the end time of suhoor in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 187, which states, "And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn becomes distinct to you from the black thread." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 187).

This verse emphasizes that we are still allowed to enjoy suhoor until the time of dawn arrives. This is reinforced by a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, where he said, "Bilal used to call the adhan at night. Eat and drink until you hear the adhan of Ibn Umm Maktum."

From this, it is clear that the fasting begins precisely when the dawn adhan is called, not at imsak, giving us a valuable opportunity to enjoy suhoor until the last moments.

3. 3. Scholars' Views: Imsak for Caution, Not Prohibition

Scholars agree that imsak is not a mandatory limit to stop eating, but rather a wise precaution to prevent us from overshooting until the time of dawn arrives. Sheikh 'Abdul Aziz bin Baz, former chairman of the Saudi Fatwa Committee, emphasized that there is no evidence requiring us to stop eating 15 minutes before dawn.

"What is more in line with the teachings is to refrain from eating and drinking when dawn begins to break," he stated.

A similar sentiment was expressed by Imam Al-Mawardi in the book Iqna', where he emphasized that although refraining a bit earlier before the break of dawn can make our fast more perfect, it is not an obligation.

4. 4. Does Eating After Imsak Invalidate Fasting?

According to the explanations of the scholars and the available evidence, eating after imsak does not invalidate the fast, as long as the adhan for Fajr has not yet been called. This means that a person can continue their sahur until the sound of the adhan is heard. This is in line with the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which states, "If one of you hears the adhan while the last spoon is still in his hand, he should not put it down until he has finished it." (HR. Abu Daud, Hasan Shahih).

This hadith emphasizes that if the adhan is called while someone is still eating, they are allowed to finish their bite. However, Imam Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) in Al Majmu' emphasizes that if dawn breaks and there is still food in the mouth, it is better to spit it out, and the fast remains valid.

However, if he swallows it believing that dawn has arrived, then his fast is considered invalid.

5. 5. Imsak is Not the Sign for Starting Fasting

From various scholars' perspectives, it is revealed that imsak is not the end point of sahur, but rather a reminder to be more cautious before the time of dawn arrives. So, for those who are still enjoying food at the time of imsak, there is no need to worry! You are still allowed to eat and drink until the dawn call to prayer sounds. However, for the sake of caution, it is advisable to start preparing to stop eating a little while before dawn.

6. Sahur

Sahur, a moment eagerly awaited during Ramadan, can actually last until the dawn call to prayer sounds, so don't worry if you still want to enjoy food after the time of imsak. Imsak itself is not a strict limitation, but rather a reminder created so that we do not miss the opportunity to eat sahur.

This concept originates from the traditions of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt, which emphasize caution before entering the fasting period. So, enjoy your sahur peacefully, and make sure to listen for the dawn call to prayer as a sign that fasting has begun!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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