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Chronology of Teenager Killing 6-Year-Old Child, Inspired by Chucky - Slender Man

Chronology of Teenager Killing 6-Year-Old Child, Inspired by Chucky - Slender Man Murder Illustration © and © Makdori - A few days ago, the public was shocked by the murder committed by a teenager with the initials NF (15). He killed a 6-year-old child and announced it himself on social media. Now, the police have apprehended NF.

The police then conducted an examination of NF. As reported by, it turns out that NF killed APA, a 6-year-old child, on Thursday (5/3) afternoon. At that time, he asked APA to get a toy from the bathtub. APA did it without suspicion.


1. Drowning the Victim's Head

NF was at the peak of his desire to kill. He then drowned APA's head until APA died. He also stuffed APA's mouth with his fingers to prevent him from screaming.

"When in the tub, he was submerged for five minutes," said Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Polisi Yusri Yunus to when met at the Central Jakarta Police Station on Saturday (7/3/2020).

After that, according to Yusri, APA's body was lifted from the bathtub and put into a bucket. NF then covered the body with a bedsheet.

2. Victim's Body Placed in a Wardrobe

NF initially wanted to immediately dispose of APA's body but refrained from doing so for fear of being discovered by residents. Moreover, NF's residence is located in a densely populated area in Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta.

NF then placed the body, still inside the bucket, into a wardrobe. The victim was tied up and his mouth was stuffed with tissue.

The case was finally revealed when NF went to the Tamansari Metro Police Station in West Jakarta and confessed to having just killed a child. The teenager surrendered himself to the Tamansari Police Station on Friday morning (6/3).

3. Police Initially Didn't Believe

The police initially didn't believe NF's confession. However, it turned out to be true. The police found the unfortunate child's body inside a wardrobe when checking the crime scene.

"From the police station and police headquarters checking the crime scene, it was indeed true that there was a 6-year-old girl's body tied up and her mouth stuffed with tissue," explained Yusri.

4. Likes Chucky Character

After being examined, not only the chronology but also several facts about NF were found, one of which is that he likes characters in thriller films like Chucky. "Likes watching Chucky," said Kombes Yusri Yunus, the Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metro Police, to when met at the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters on Saturday (7/3/2020).

As KLovers know, Chucky himself is the main character in the film CHILD'S PLAY. He is portrayed as a killer doll who often carries a knife. He is the key behind the serial killings in the film.

5. Drawing Slender Man

Besides Chucky, NF apparently also likes Slender Man. "He likes Slender Man to the point of making a drawing of him," said Yusri. Slender Man himself is a fictional character in the form of a tall, thin man without a face, with tentacles, and wearing a black suit with a red tie.

Yusri then pointed to the drawing of Slender Man, the work of the perpetrator. The drawing, scratched on a white paper, shows Slender Man with black and white patterns along with its tentacles.

6. Perpetrator Writes 'Want to Torture Baby?'

Not only that, Yusri also showed a piece of paper with the words 'Want to Torture Baby? With pleasure (or) Can't bear it'. The writing is designed like a questionnaire, but it is unclear who it is addressed to.

Furthermore, Yusri felt that the writing resembled a psychological test. "He wrote it like a psychological test, 'Want to Kill Baby? With Pleasure; Can't bear it'," he added.

7. Inspired by Thriller Film

NF himself admitted to committing murder because he was inspired by his favorite thriller film. According to Yusri, NF even had the intention to kill before.

"He had the desire to kill before, but he managed to resist," said Yusri as quoted from

NF does not express remorse for his heinous act. He even claimed to be satisfied. "When asked if he regrets or not, he answered that he feels satisfied," added Yusri.

8. Police Use Juvenile Justice Law

The legal process for this case is still ongoing. As reported by, the police are using Law No.11 of 2012 on Juvenile Justice in this case.

"We are still conducting further investigation. The treatment of minors is different from adults because it is related to the juvenile justice system," said Yusri, last Saturday (7/3).

Yusri also emphasized that the process of this case is accompanied by the Juvenile Rehabilitation Center (Bapas), parents, and lawyers. Bapas is responsible for providing social guidance and rehabilitation for the child.

9. Half Punishment

Furthermore, Yusri explained that if NF is proven to be the perpetrator in the trial process, he will receive half of the punishment applicable to adults.

"Half the punishment for adults. Usually for adults, the maximum prison sentence is 15 to 18 years," Yusri explained as quoted from


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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