Kapanlagi.com - The holy month of Ramadan 2025 is approaching, and Muslims around the world are preparing to welcome it with enthusiasm. This is a special time to enhance worship and perform fasting as best as possible. One important aspect to pay attention to is the intention for fasting, which must be spoken before dawn. Although it seems simple, the intention plays a crucial role in affirming the validity of our fast, in accordance with the teachings of various schools.
Interestingly, there are differing views among the schools regarding the intention for fasting that we should be aware of. In the Shafi'i school, followers are taught to renew their intention every night before fasting begins. Meanwhile, the Maliki school allows for a one-time intention at the beginning of Ramadan for the entire month. This understanding is very important so that our worship is not only valid but also accepted by Him.
In addition to knowing the reading of the intention for fasting, maintaining consistency in worship and understanding the correct procedures during the month of Ramadan is equally important. So, how do we express the proper intention for fasting and maintain the spirit of worship until the end of the holy month? Check out the explanation summarized by Kapanlagi.com on Thursday (27/2).
1. Intention of Fasting Ramadan: When and How to Say It
The intention is a crucial element in the act of fasting that must be prepared before dawn, especially for obligatory fasts such as Ramadan, qada, and nazar. According to information from the official website mui.or.id, in the Shafi'i school of thought, Muslims are required to make an intention every night during the month of Ramadan for their fasting to remain valid. This is in line with the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) which emphasizes that without intention before dawn, a person's fast will not be valid.
However, the Maliki school provides a bit of flexibility. They allow the intention to be made only once at the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This means that Muslims only need to intend on the first night to fast for the entire month, as the fast of Ramadan is considered a single act of worship. Therefore, if one has made the intention at the beginning of the month, there is no need to repeat the intention every day.
As a precautionary measure, many scholars recommend following the opinion of the Shafi'i school by renewing the intention every night. However, it is also reasonable to consider the opinion of the Maliki school, especially for those who may forget to intend at night. This way, the act of fasting remains valid and accepted by Allah SWT.
2. Reading the Intention of Fasting Ramadan: Arabic, Latin, and Its Meaning
In order for the fast to be valid, Muslims must know and recite the intention correctly, both in Arabic and with an understanding of its meaning, so that it is not just a mere utterance but also has the intention in the heart to perform the fast for the sake of Allah SWT.
1. Here is the recommended intention for fasting in Ramadan according to the Shafi'i school:
- نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ عَنْ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ هَزِلسََّةِ لِلّٰلِهِ تَعَالَى
- Nawaitu shauma ghadin ‘an ada’i fardhi syahri Ramadhana hadzihis sanati lillahi ta’ala.
- Meaning: “I intend to fast tomorrow to fulfill the obligation of fasting this month of Ramadan this year, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.”
2. For those who wish to intend for the entire month according to the Maliki school, the intention is:
- نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ جَمِيْعِ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانِ هٰرِلسََّةِ فَرْضًا لِلّٰلِهِ تَعَالَى
- Nawaitu shauma jami’i syahri ramadhani hadzihis sanati fardhan lillahi ta’ala.
- Meaning: “I intend to fast throughout this month of Ramadan this year according to the opinion of Imam Malik, as an obligation for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.”
3. The intention for fasting Ramadan in the book Asnal Mathalib
- نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ عَنْ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ هزِلسََّةِ لِلّٰلِهِ تَعَالَى
- Nawaitu shauma ghadin ‘an adā’i fardhi syahri Ramadhāna hādzihis sanata lillāhi ta‘ālā.
- Meaning: “I intend to fast tomorrow to fulfill the obligation of this month of Ramadan this year for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.”
4. The intention for fasting Ramadan in the book I'anatut Thalibin
- نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ رَمَضَانَ
- Nawaitu shauma Ramadhāna
- Meaning: “I intend to fast the month of Ramadan.”
5. The intention for fasting Ramadan in the book I'anatut Thalibin
- نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ مِنْ/عَنْ رَمَضَانَ
- Nawaitu shauma ghadin min/'an Ramadhāna
- Meaning: “I intend to fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan.”
6. The intention for fasting Ramadan in the book Asnal Mathalib
- نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ الْغَدِ مِنْ هَرِلسََّةِ عَنْ فَرْضِ رَمَضَانَ
- Nawaitu shaumal ghadi min hādzihis sanati ‘an fardhi Ramadhāna
- Meaning: “I intend to fast tomorrow this year regarding the obligation of Ramadan.”
3. The Procedure for Fasting Ramadan That Must Be Known
Here are the important points related to fasting during Ramadan that need to be considered so that our fasting worship is valid and we receive maximum rewards:
1. Restraining Oneself from Things that Nullify Fasting:
- Fasting during Ramadan is not just about refraining from hunger and thirst.
- From dawn until sunset, Muslims must avoid eating, drinking, and marital relations.
2. Things That Are Makruh During Fasting:
- Excessive rinsing during ablution.
- Using foul or harsh language.
- Uncontrolled anger.
- Spending time on unbeneficial activities.
- Although these do not nullify fasting, they can reduce the rewards of fasting.
3. Things That Nullify Fasting:
- Deliberately eating and drinking.
- Deliberately vomiting.
- Menstruation or postpartum bleeding for women.
- Engaging in marital relations during the day.
- All the above must be avoided for the fast to remain valid and accepted by Allah SWT.
By understanding and avoiding these things, we can perform the fasting worship better and gain the pleasure of Allah SWT.
4. Tips for Maintaining Worship Consistency During Ramadan
To maintain the enthusiasm for worship during the month of Ramadan, there are several strategies that can be applied to remain consistent and meaningful. Here are some important points to follow:
1. Regulating Eating Patterns:
- Start by regulating a balanced eating pattern during iftar and sahur.
- Avoid overeating as it can make the body feel sluggish and reduce the enthusiasm for worship.
2. Avoiding Sinful Acts:
- It is important to keep the heart clean by avoiding all forms of sin.
- Sins can diminish the spirit of worship and reduce the rewards of fasting.
- Guard your speech, sight, and actions to stay away from negative things.
3. Maintaining Balance in Worship:
- Perform worship in a balanced manner without excess. Wisely divide your time between worship, rest, and other activities.
- With this balance, the spirit of worship can be maintained until the end of Ramadan without feeling fatigued.
By applying these strategies, it is hoped that worship during the month of Ramadan can be performed more consistently and meaningfully.
5. The Importance of a Correct Intention in Ramadan Fasting
True fasting is not only initiated with the verbal intention, but it must also be accompanied by a deep awareness in the heart that every second we live is for Allah SWT.
With sincere intentions, our worship will be filled with blessings, and the rewards we obtain will multiply, bringing us closer to Him. As the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, every deed depends on its intention.
A correct intention also reflects our mental and spiritual readiness, allowing us to fast with focus and awareness, not just as a routine without meaning. Thus, our fasting becomes more meaningful and purposeful.
6. FAQ
1. When should the intention for Ramadan fasting be made?
The intention for fasting should be made before dawn, according to the teachings of the Shafi'i school, although in the Maliki school, it is permissible to intend for the entire month at the beginning of Ramadan.
2. What is the ruling if someone forgets to make the intention for Ramadan fasting?
According to the Shafi'i school, a person's fast is invalid if they forget the intention before dawn, but in the Maliki school, it is still considered valid if the intention was made at the beginning of the month.
3. Does the intention for fasting need to be spoken?
The intention is sufficient in the heart, but articulating it verbally is recommended to strengthen the awareness in performing the worship.
4. How can one maintain the spirit of worship during Ramadan?
Regulating eating patterns, avoiding sins, and worshipping in a balanced manner without excess can help maintain the spirit of worship throughout Ramadan.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.