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Entering Ramadan Day 23, Here is the Iftar Schedule for Today in Pekanbaru and Surroundings

Entering Ramadan Day 23, Here is the Iftar Schedule for Today in Pekanbaru and Surroundings Entering Ramadan Day 23 - Ramadan has entered its 23rd day and the moment of iftar is the most awaited time after a day of fasting and thirst. For the people of Pekanbaru and its surroundings, accurate information about iftar time is certainly a daily necessity that should not be missed.

The Maghrib adhan in Pekanbaru on Sunday, March 23, 2025, is expected to be called precisely at 18:27 WIB. This is the valid time to break the fast and begin the series of night prayers such as Maghrib, Isya, and tarawih.

On the other hand, many still do not understand that the consumption pattern during iftar, including eating fried foods and sweet dishes, needs to be considered. This article will comprehensively discuss not only the iftar time but also health tips that must be observed to ensure that the worship remains optimal.

1. Breaking Fast Time in Pekanbaru Today: This is the Maghrib Azan Time

According to the imsakiyah schedule released on the website, the Maghrib azan or breaking fast time in the Pekanbaru area and its surroundings on Sunday, March 23, 2025, falls at 18:27 WIB, marking the beginning of the time to break the fast.

This schedule is calculated based on the position of the sun and has been adjusted with a two-minute precautionary time to prevent errors, and serves as a valid guideline according to Islamic jurisprudence for Muslims in the area.

By knowing the Maghrib time accurately, Muslims in Pekanbaru can be better prepared to welcome the breaking fast time with full preparation, both physically and spiritually.

2. Complete Prayer Schedule for Pekanbaru March 23, 2025

Based on the official website, here is the complete prayer schedule for the Pekanbaru area on March 23, 2025:

  • Imsak: 04:54 WIB
  • Subuh: 05:04 WIB
  • Dzuhur: 12:24 WIB
  • Ashar: 15:24 WIB
  • Maghrib: 18:27 WIB
  • Isya: 19:36 WIB

This schedule can serve as the main reference for Muslims to perform their worship on time, including preparing for breaking fast and performing tarawih prayer with focus after a sufficient dinner. Knowing the prayer times accurately also helps in managing daily activities during Ramadan to maintain a balance between worldly affairs and the hereafter.

3. Can You Eat Fried Foods When Breaking Fast? Here's the Expert's Explanation

One of the things considered essential by some people when breaking their fast is enjoying fried foods. However, these foods should be consumed wisely given the high calorie and fat content that can impact the body of someone who is fasting.

So what are the rules for consuming fried foods to stay healthy? According to the explanation from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Indonesia (FKUI), Prof. Dr. dr. H. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, FACP on the HelloSehat website, eating fried foods when breaking fast is indeed allowed, but with the condition that they are not consumed immediately when the call to prayer is heard and in limited quantities to avoid overloading the stomach that has been empty for a whole day.

The fats in fried foods are relatively hard to digest, and if consumed excessively when breaking fast, they can cause bloating, stomach pain, and even intestinal irritation, especially for those with digestive issues. To be safer, fried foods can be consumed 30 minutes after breaking the fast, after the body has received fluids and light snacks first, and it is advisable to use healthy oils if making them at home.

4. Rules for Consuming Sweet Foods When Breaking the Fast

In addition to enjoying fried foods, consuming sweet foods when breaking the fast also needs to be limited, even though it is recommended. The type and portion should be controlled to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar that can make the body feel weak quickly.

Ideally, the sweet foods consumed when breaking the fast should come from natural sources like dates, fruits, or juice without added sugar, rather than from artificial syrup, ice cream, or market snacks high in artificial sweeteners.

Additionally, the best time to consume sweet foods is at the beginning of breaking the fast in limited amounts, and it is not recommended to make it the main dish as it can cause fatigue after the Maghrib prayer.

5. Frequently Asked Questions about Iftar Schedule in Pekanbaru (PAA)

1. What time is iftar in Pekanbaru today?

The Maghrib call to prayer in Pekanbaru on March 23, 2025, is at 6:27 PM WIB.

2. Is it allowed to eat fried foods immediately when breaking the fast?

It is not recommended; it is better to consume fried foods 30 minutes after breaking the fast with light snacks.

3. What are the dangers of eating too many fried foods when breaking the fast?

It can trigger stomach irritation, bloating, nausea, and even obesity in the long term.

4. What types of sweet foods are safe to eat when breaking the fast?

Dates, fresh fruits, and juice without added sugar are recommended options.

5. What is the healthy eating order when breaking the fast?

Start with plain water, dates or fruits, followed by the main meal, and then you may consume fried foods or sweets.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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