Kapanlagi.com - The month of Rajab, one of the four highly revered months in Islam, comes with a million blessings. Along with Dzulqa'dah, Dzulhijjah, and Muharram, Rajab invites Muslims to increase righteous deeds, such as fasting, charity, and voluntary prayers.
Rajab prayer, in particular, is believed to hold many virtues, including forgiveness of sins and the fulfillment of prayers. In his famous book, Ihya Ulumiddin, Imam Al-Ghazali notes that the voluntary prayer in the month of Rajab has become a tradition among the pious in the past and is recommended as a highly encouraged practice.
Although there are differing opinions regarding its legality, Rajab prayer is still viewed as one of the absolute Sunnah acts of worship that can serve as a means to draw closer to Allah SWT in this blessed month.
Come on, let’s take a look together at the procedures for Rajab prayer and its extraordinary virtues.
1. Intention of Rajab Prayer and Its Time of Implementation
According to NU Online, the Rajab prayer is a special worship that is recommended to be performed on the first Friday night of the month of Rajab, especially after the Isya prayer until one-third of the night. In this prayer, we will perform a total of 12 rak'ahs, with two rak'ahs per salam.
The intention that is recited is, "Ushalli sunnata Rajabi rak'ataini lillahi ta'ala," which means, "I intend to perform the Sunnah prayer of Rajab two rak'ahs for the sake of Allah Ta'ala." After performing the prayer, it is recommended to recite salawat and special prayers that can strengthen our hopes to Allah so that all our desires may be granted.
2. Procedure for Rajab Prayer
The Rajab prayer begins with the takbiratul ihram, followed by the recitation of Al-Fatihah in each rak'ah, then continued by reciting Surah Al-Qadr three times and Surah Al-Ikhlas twelve times. Every two rak'ahs are concluded with salam, and this ritual is repeated until reaching twelve rak'ahs or six salams.
After that, it is recommended to recite salawat seventy times:
"Allahumma shalli 'ala Muhammadin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa 'ala alihi." Next, perform sujud while reciting: "Subbuhun quddusun rabbul malaikati warruh" seventy times. After a moment of sitting, recite the prayer: "Rabbighfir warham wa tajawaz 'amma ta'lam innaka antal a'azzul akram," before returning to sujud with the same tasbih and asking Allah SWT for your needs.
3. The Virtues of Rajab Prayer
Rajab prayer, an act of worship rich in virtues, serves as a bridge for Muslims to attain blessings and forgiveness from Allah. Imam Al-Ghazali expressed that this prayer is not merely a ritual, but also a means to fulfill prayers, even for those who feel their sins are as numerous as the foam on the sea. Interestingly, on the Day of Judgment, those who perform this prayer are believed to be able to intercede for 700 family members and attain unparalleled glory in paradise. Although the evidence regarding Rajab prayer is not as strong as that for obligatory prayers, many scholars agree that this Sunnah act of worship is highly recommended, encouraging the faithful to increase their worship in this blessed month.
4. Scholars' Views on Rajab Prayer
Amidst the diversity of scholars' views on Rajab prayer, an interesting debate arises that sparks discussion among worship enthusiasts. Imam Al-Ghazali and several other scholars regard it as a highly recommended Sunnah practice, while some express doubt about the strength of its evidence.
For instance, Ibn Hajar Al-Haitami stated that this prayer could be considered makruh if performed with the specific intention of being Rajab prayer, but it remains permissible as an absolute Sunnah prayer to enliven the nights of this blessed month.
Despite the differences in opinion, all agree that this act of worship is a manifestation of obedience to Allah, and as long as it is performed with good intentions and does not contradict Islamic teachings, Rajab prayer retains undeniable positive value.
5. Tips to Optimize Worship in the Month of Rajab
During this blessed month of Rajab, Muslims are encouraged to delve deeper into spiritual practices, such as fasting, dhikr, and charity, in addition to performing sunnah prayers. Reviving the nights with worship is not just a routine, but also a way to enhance piety and attain blessings from Allah SWT. By performing sunnah prayers, whether alone or in congregation, we can strengthen our spiritual connection to Him. Additionally, memorizing specific recommended prayers is an extra step that brings us closer to the Creator. By understanding the procedures and virtues of Rajab prayers, Muslims have a golden opportunity to maximize this noble month to gain abundant rewards and forgiveness.
6. FAQ (People Also Ask)
Rajab prayers have a profound meaning, where the intention is expressed beautifully: "Ushalli sunnata Rajabi rak'ataini lillahi ta'ala." This means we direct our hearts and intentions to perform the sunnah prayer of Rajab for two rak'ahs solely for the sake of Allah. With this sincere intention, we revive a special moment in the blessed month of Rajab.
7. 2. What is the procedure for Rajab prayer?
Rajab prayer, a blessed worship, is performed with 12 captivating rak'ahs, where every two rak'ahs are concluded with one salam. In each rak'ah, the congregation is invited to reflect on the greatness of Surah Al-Qadr and Al-Ikhlas, which adds spiritual depth and significance to this sacred moment.
8. 3. What are the virtues of Rajab prayer?
The virtues offered are truly amazing: forgiveness of sins, the fulfillment of sincere prayers, and intercession that will reach up to 700 family members on the Day of Judgment. Imagine the immense grace that can be attained, bringing hope and happiness to many souls in the hereafter!
9. 4. Does Rajab prayer have strong evidence?
Although the evidence regarding Rajab prayer is not as strong as obligatory prayers, the significance of the month of Rajab makes it highly recommended to be performed as one of the blessed sunnah deeds. By performing this prayer, we can earn rewards and draw closer to Allah, making this noble month a moment to increase worship and attain blessings.
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