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Getting to Know Hadi Tjahjanto, Former Minister of ATR/BPN Involved in the Tangerang Sea Fence Case

Getting to Know Hadi Tjahjanto, Former Minister of ATR/BPN Involved in the Tangerang Sea Fence Case Hadi Tjahjanto (credit: - The name Hadi Tjahjanto, former Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), is now in the public spotlight after being involved in the controversy regarding the sea fence in Tangerang, Banten.

The fence, which stretches over 30 kilometers, has been equipped with Building Use Rights Certificates (SHGB) and Ownership Certificates (SHM), even though its position is above the sea. Interestingly, these certificates were issued in 2023 while Hadi was still serving as Minister of ATR/BPN.

However, Hadi firmly denies his involvement in the issuance of these documents, claiming that he only became aware of the issue after the news started to spread widely. This controversy has attracted the attention of many parties, including the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), who suspect administrative violations in this case.

Moreover, Hadi Tjahjanto's career journey in the military and government is also worth noting. From serving as the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces to his positions as Minister of ATR/BPN and Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Hadi has become an important figure in the era of President Joko Widodo's administration. Here are the details:

1. The Beginning of Hadi Tjahjanto's Career in the Military

Hadi Tjahjanto, born in Malang on November 8, 1963, began his adventure in the military world with a fiery spirit after graduating from the Air Force Academy (AAU) in 1986. As a pilot of light transport aircraft in Squadron 4, his career soared rapidly due to a series of strategic positions he held, starting from Head of Training Section to Commander of Adi Soemarmo Air Base.

His confidence soared even higher when he was entrusted to lead the TNI Air Force Information Service in 2013 and served as the Chief of Staff of the TNI Air Force (KSAU) in 2017. The pinnacle of his illustrious journey occurred on December 8, 2017, when he was inaugurated as the Commander of the TNI by President Joko Widodo, marking a historical milestone in his brilliant military career.

2. Hadi's Journey in Government: From Minister of ATR to Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs

After ending his illustrious career in the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) in 2021, Hadi Tjahjanto was entrusted by President Jokowi to serve as the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR/BPN) in June 2022, where he played a key role in resolving land disputes and implementing the systematic land certification program.

However, his career journey did not stop there; in February 2024, Hadi was promoted to Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam), replacing Mahfud MD who ran for vice president.

In this strategic position, he is responsible for maintaining political stability and national security until the end of his term in October 2024, coinciding with the end of President Jokowi's administration. However, his name came back into the public spotlight when the sea fence case in Tangerang sparked a major controversy in early 2025.

3. The Sea Fence Controversy in Tangerang and SHGB Certificates Above the Sea

The controversial sea fence case in Tangerang has now captured public attention after the revelation of a fence extending over 30 kilometers across six coastal districts of Banten. This fence is reportedly equipped with official documents, namely the Building Use Rights Certificate (SHGB) and the Ownership Rights Certificate (SHM) issued in 2023.

However, anomalies arise because legally, these certificates should only apply to land areas. The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) noted that most of these certificates are controlled by two companies, PT Intan Agung Makmur and PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa, as well as several individuals.

Hadi Tjahjanto, the Minister of ATR/BPN serving in 2023, claimed to be unaware of the issuance of this controversial certificate, a statement that emerged amid sharp scrutiny from the public and oversight agencies such as the Indonesian Ombudsman.

4. Handling of the Case by KKP and the Ombudsman

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) took bold action by sealing the sea fence in Tangerang in January 2025, after it was revealed that the structure was allegedly built without a Marine Spatial Utilization Activity Suitability Certificate (KKPRL) and violated fishing and energy zones.

The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia also took part, investigating the potential maladministration in the issuance of related certificates. Until now, there has been no clarity on who is responsible—whether it is the local government, the ministry, or private parties.

The law enforcement process continues, including an in-depth investigation into all parties involved in the construction of this sea fence, making it a crucial case in spatial planning management and agrarian policy in the country.

5. What is the case of the sea fence in Tangerang involving Hadi Tjahjanto?

This case emerged alongside the issuance of Building Use Rights Certificates (SHGB) and Ownership Certificates (SHM) over the sea, which sparked heated debate as it allegedly violated existing spatial planning regulations.

6. When did Hadi Tjahjanto serve as Minister of ATR/BPN?

Hadi, a figure full of dedication, has served as the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency since June 2022, and will continue to hold this important position until February 2024.

7. Who owns the SHGB and SHM coastal fence in Tangerang?

The majority of the ownership of this company is held by PT Intan Agung Makmur and PT Cahaya Inti Sentosa, as well as involving several individuals who have contributed to its business journey.

8. What steps is the government taking to address the coastal fence issue in Tangerang?

The government, through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), has taken decisive action by sealing off the problematic coastal fence and is currently conducting an investigation to uncover those responsible for this incident.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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