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Globalization: Definition, Causes, Characteristics, and Impacts

Globalization: Definition, Causes, Characteristics, and Impacts Illustration (Credit: Pixabay) - Time keeps passing, of course, with the passing of this time the earth is also getting older. There are many things that can happen on this earth, one of which is globalization. Yes, globalization is a process that occurs in the world due to various factors. Is it the result of damage caused by humans? Is it because of technology?

Do you already know the meaning of globalization? How can this happen? Of course, we have many questions. The process of globalization certainly takes time, tens to hundreds of years until it is finally processed. And of course, to know that, we need the right knowledge to understand the meaning of globalization.

Therefore, it has been reported from various sources, globalization is a process of life where there are causes and characteristics. What are they? Let's check it out KLovers.


1. Understanding Globalization

Yes, globalization is a process influenced by science, culture, technological development, transportation, telecommunications, and so on, which then affects changes in various aspects of life in society.

Many parties argue that globalization began in the modern era, while some other experts have even managed to trace the history of globalization back to before the European discovery era and the voyages to the New World. Some experts also note that globalization may have started to emerge in the third millennium BC.

According to, globalization actually does not yet have a precise definition, except as a working definition, so it depends on which side people look at it. Globalization is seen as a social process, or a historical process, or a natural process that will bring all nations and countries in the world more closely linked to each other.

Realizing a new way of life or coexistence by eliminating geographical, economic, and cultural boundaries of society. Globalization is synonymous with the term global village, where national boundaries seem to fade away and even disappear, becoming borderless.

This results in advances in communication and transportation technology. Why do national boundaries seem to fade away or disappear? National boundaries are said to fade away because anyone can visit any country very easily with the help of modern transportation.


2. Understanding Globalization from Prominent Figures

In addition to the above understanding, there are also definitions of globalization proposed by several figures. Here are some definitions of globalization from these figures:

1. Definition of Globalization according to Selo Soemardjan

Globalization is the formation of communication and organization between different societies around the world, with the aim of following the same new rules.

2. Definition of Globalization according to Anthony Giddens

Everything that happens, social relations eventually become intense among the world's population and connect one event to another, resulting in reciprocal effects between different regions, thus developing extensively in various aspects of life between them.

3. Definition of Globalization according to Cochrane and Pain

Globalization is a sign of globalization as the emergence of a global economic and cultural system that makes people around the world a single global society.

4. Definition of Globalization according to Cohen and Kennedy

Globalization is a set of transformations that reinforce each other in the world, which includes changes in the concept of space and time, the dependence of economic markets and production in different countries, increasing cultural interactions, increasing common problems in the field of economy, environment, and other common problems.

5. Definition of Globalization according to Achmad Suparman

Globalization is a process of making something an characteristic or behavior for every individual in the world without being limited by regions.
Malcom Waters, globalization is a social process that results in geographical limitations on social and cultural conditions becoming less important, which is embodied in people's awareness.

6. Definition of Globalization according to Prof.Dr.Mubyarto

Globalization has two meanings: first, as a description/definition, namely the process of merging the world market into a single market; second, in the field of economics, which makes the economy more efficient and healthier towards the progress of the global community.


3. Causes of Globalization

In addition to understanding, we also need to know what are the causes of globalization. Here are some causes that can lead to globalization:

1. Development of information technology and transportation

The first cause of globalization is the rapid development of information technology and transportation, making international trade easier. We can even buy goods from abroad without having to meet face to face.

2. Increasing international cooperation

Another cause of globalization is international cooperation, which facilitates transactions between countries, thereby increasing the number of imported products and vice versa. The process of globalization continues through international trade.

3. Ease of transportation

With all the previous explanations, the delivery of goods and services between countries becomes easier, resulting in many foreign products entering and becoming part of people's lives. It is not uncommon for these foreign products to be adapted by the local community, resulting in a fusion of cultures.

4. Open Economy

And finally, there is an open economy. The current global trade is due to countries becoming more open to each other, resulting in the exchange of products from one country to another. These products themselves are influenced by the elements and culture of their country of origin, which can then affect other countries. For example, beauty products from Korea that contain ingredients not commonly found in Indonesia, and many more.


4. Characteristics of Globalization

Then there are also characteristics of globalization. Here are some characteristics that you can see as a form of globalization:

1. Conceptual changes

The era of globalization changes the concept of space and time, making it easy for everyone to access whatever they want using technology.

2. Market and production

Each country will depend on each other. This is caused by the growth of international trade. Organizations like the WTO also influence market and production behavior.

3. Increased interaction

Interactions between societies around the world will become easier. This is mainly due to the emergence of various social media.

4. Spread of culture

Easy access to information makes it easier to exchange cultures. For example, through movies, music, or fashion.

5. Emergence of common problems

Due to the complexity of economic and trade routes, this also triggers the emergence of problems from various countries. For example, regional inflation, environmental issues, and so on.


5. The Impact of Globalization

And finally, there are impacts that occur due to globalization. Everything that happens as a result of globalization certainly has an impact, there are positive impacts and there are also negative ones. Everything doesn't just make things positive or negative. Now, here are some impacts that occur due to globalization:

1. Positive impacts of globalization

- Ease of obtaining information and knowledge.

- Improved socio-economic life.

- Advancements in technology, communication, transportation, and information that facilitate humans.

2. Negative impacts of globalization

- Easy entry of Western culture and influence on local cultural values.

- Fading cultural values, such as mutual cooperation and others.

- Environmental damage and increased air pollution.

- Increasingly rampant smuggling of illegal and prohibited goods.

Those are some things about globalization that you can know and learn. Hopefully, globalization becomes something that brings positive impacts for all of us, in terms of economy, culture, and politics.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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