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Guide to Procedures and Prayers for Dhuha Prayer, Muslims Need to Know to Achieve Its Virtue

Guide to Procedures and Prayers for Dhuha Prayer, Muslims Need to Know to Achieve Its Virtue Guide to Procedures and Prayers for Dhuha Prayer (credit: unsplash) - Dhuha Prayer is a highly recommended Sunnah prayer by the Prophet Muhammad. Dhuha prayer is performed in the morning after the sun has risen slightly, but before Dhuhr prayer. As a Sunnah prayer, Dhuha has extraordinary virtues. Therefore, the procedures and prayers for Dhuha prayer need to be known by every Muslim.

Performing Dhuha prayer can be a means to draw closer to Allah SWT. Although not obligatory, making Dhuha prayer a daily habit can provide spiritual and moral benefits for every Muslim individual. So, what are the procedures and prayers for Dhuha prayer?

To obtain the virtues of Dhuha prayer, here is a review of the guide to procedures and prayers for Dhuha prayer:

1. Procedure for Dhuha Prayer

As mentioned earlier, Dhuha prayer is performed in the morning after the sun has risen until before the Dhuhr prayer time. Dhuha prayer is generally performed for 2 raka'at. However, there are scholars who believe that Dhuha prayer can be performed up to 8 or even 12 raka'at.

The procedure and supplications for Dhuha prayer are actually not much different from performing the obligatory prayers. However, there are still some things that need to be considered. Here is a guide to the procedure for 2 raka'at Dhuha prayer:

First Raka'ah:

1. Intention for Dhuha prayer

2. Takbiratul Ilham

3. Reciting the opening supplication (dua iftitah)

4. Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah

5. Reciting a short surah from the Quran (it is recommended to recite Surah Ash-Shams, but it is still permissible to recite other short surahs)

6. Bowing (ruku') with tranquility

7. Standing upright after bowing (i'tidal) with tranquility

8. Prostrating (sujud) with tranquility

9. Sitting between the two prostrations

10. Performing the second prostration with tranquility

11. Standing up to perform the next raka'ah (the 2nd raka'ah)

Second Raka'ah:

1. Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah

2. Reciting a short surah from the Quran (it is recommended to recite Surah Ad-Dhuha, but it is still permissible to recite other short surahs)

3. Bowing (ruku') with tranquility

4. Standing upright after bowing (i'tidal) with tranquility

5. Prostrating (sujud) with tranquility

6. Sitting between the two prostrations

7. Performing the second prostration with tranquility

8. Reciting the final Tashahhud with tranquility

9. Offering the Salam (greeting of peace)

2. Intention for Dhuha Prayer

From the above guide on the procedure for Dhuha prayer, there doesn't seem to be any difference with obligatory prayers or other voluntary prayers. The only difference lies in the recitation of the intention. Dhuha prayer has a specific recitation. Here is the recitation and its meaning:

1. Intention for Congregational Dhuha Prayer

- Intention for Dhuha Prayer as the Imam

Usholli sunnatadh dhuhaa rok'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati adaa'an imaaman lillahi ta'aala


"I intend to perform two voluntary units of Dhuha prayer, facing the qibla, as the imam for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

- Intention for Dhuha Prayer as the Follower

Usholli sunnatadh dhuhaa rok'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati adaa'an makmuuman lillahi ta'aala


"I intend to perform two voluntary units of Dhuha prayer, facing the qibla, as the follower for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

2. Intention for Individual Dhuha Prayer

Usholli sunnatadh dhuhaa rok'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati adaa'an lillahi ta'aala


"I intend to perform two voluntary units of Dhuha prayer, facing the qibla, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

3. Prayer After Dhuha Prayer

As mentioned earlier, Dhuha prayer has various virtues. To achieve perfection in Dhuha prayer and attain its various virtues, there is a special prayer that can be performed after completing this voluntary prayer. Here are some readings of prayers after Dhuha prayer:

1. Prayer for Safety

Allahumma innadhdhuha-a dhuha-uka, walbahaa-abahaa-uka, wal jamaala jamaluuka, wal quwwata quwwatuka, wal qudrota qudrotuka, wal 'ishmata ishmatuka.


"O Allah, indeed the time of Dhuha is Your time, magnificence is Your magnificence, beauty is Your beauty, strength is Your strength, and protection is Your protection."

2. Prayer for Ease and Sustenance

Allahumma inkaana rizqii fissamma-I fa anzilhu, wa inkaana fil ardhi fa-akhrijhu, wa inkaana mu'siron fayassirhu, wa inkaana harooman fa thohhirhu, wa inkaana ba'idan fa qoribhu, bihaqqiduhaa-ika wa bahaaika, wa jamaalika wa quwwatika wa qudrotika, aatini maa ataita 'ibaadakash shoolihiin.


"O Allah, if my sustenance is in the heavens, then send it down, and if it is in the earth, then bring it forth, if it is difficult, then make it easy, if it is forbidden, then purify it, if it is far, then make it close, by the right of Your Dhuha, Your magnificence, Your beauty, Your strength, grant me what You have granted to Your righteous servants."

Those are some explanations regarding the procedures and prayers for Dhuha prayer. Hopefully, it is beneficial, increases religious knowledge, and strengthens faith as a Muslim. Ameen.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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