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Not Found in Other Countries, These 8 Things Can Only Be Found in Japan

Not Found in Other Countries, These 8 Things Can Only Be Found in Japan


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Not Found in Other Countries, These 8 Things Can Only Be Found in Japan

Japan indeed has super unique and mind-blowing things that might astonish you. Some of these unique things are found in Japan and you may not find them in other countries.

What are they like? Let's find out more here.


Before being released on the conveyor, the baggage is neatly arranged to make it easier for passengers to retrieve them.


One of the hotels in Japan doesn't use humans as receptionists, but dinosaurs! Make sure you learn the Dinosaur language when staying here.


Japan has a special sticker placement method on the back of cars that indicates who the passengers inside the car are, whether parents or new drivers.


Like a honesty canteen, In this place, you can take vegetables as you need and pay for them directly in the available box.


When there is a delayed or arriving flight for any reason, the airline staff apologizes to the passengers or prospective passengers by bowing.


This building has an emergency slide, which aims to speed up evacuation in the event of an unwanted incident.


See that white line? That is the boundary of your elbow when you are at the table. Do not cross the line or you will be considered rude.


Watermelon in the shape of Hello Kitty? It's only available in Japan!