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Officially Increased! Here is the List of Pertamina's New Fuel Prices

Officially Increased! Here is the List of Pertamina's New Fuel Prices Pertamax Green 95 is already displayed at the Pertamina gas station on Jl MT Haryono, Jakarta. ( Arief R) - PT Pertamina (Persero) has announced important news for all Indonesian citizens! Starting from December 1, 2024, the price of non-subsidized fuel (BBM) will be adjusted throughout the country.

This increase will apply to several types of fuel, including Pertamax Turbo, Dexlite, and Pertamina DEX. However, do not worry, the prices of Pertamax and Pertalite will remain stable and unchanged.

This step is taken in accordance with the latest decision from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources which establishes the basic price formula for non-subsidized fuel. Pertamina explains that this price adjustment is very important to follow government policies and ensure the sustainability of energy supply in Indonesia.

We urge the public to pay attention to price changes in their respective areas to manage transportation and energy needs properly. For more information, here are the complete details of the latest non-subsidized fuel prices summarized by from various sources, Monday (2/12).

1. Fuel Price List in DKI Jakarta

Amid the hustle and bustle of DKI Jakarta, the price of Pertamax fuel (RON 92) remains stable at Rp12,100 per liter. However, the same cannot be said for Pertamax Turbo (RON 98), which has skyrocketed to Rp13,550 per liter.

Meanwhile, Dexlite and Pertamina DEX have also seen price increases, now priced at Rp13,400 and Rp13,800 per liter, with price hikes of Rp350 and Rp360 respectively from before.

2. Fuel Prices in Bali, NTB, and NTT

On the beautiful island of Bali, as well as in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara, the prices of Pertamax and Pertamax Turbo remain in line with the rates in Jakarta.

However, for other types of fuel, prices vary according to local policies.

Meanwhile, for those in need of premium fuel like Pertamina DEX, they must pay Rp13,800 per liter.

3. Price Adjustment in Kalimantan and Papua

Amid the natural beauty of East Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua, the price of fuel oil (BBM) shows a slight increase.

Pertamax Turbo is now priced at Rp13,850 per liter, while Dexlite has soared to Rp13,700 per liter.

This increase is not detached from the challenges of distribution and logistics costs faced in remote areas, creating a real picture of how geography affects energy prices in Indonesia.

4. Policies Behind the Fuel Price Increase

The recent announcement of the fuel price increase is the result of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources' decision that establishes a base price formula, a strategic step to ensure retail prices align with global market dynamics and distribution costs.

Pertamina emphasizes that this policy aims not only to adjust prices but also to maintain supply sustainability and optimal service quality for the Indonesian people.

5. Impact on Consumers and Anticipatory Steps

The rise in fuel prices is predicted to shake transportation and logistics costs, making the public need to be more careful in managing their budgets.

It is important to choose the right type of fuel according to the vehicle's needs to keep expenses in check.

6. Why did Pertamina raise fuel prices?

The government has announced the increase in fuel prices as an adjustment step with the latest policy based on the updated price formula.

7. Did all types of fuel experience a price increase?

The latest news regarding fuel prices is shocking! While Pertamax (RON 92) and Pertalite remain stable with no changes, other types such as Pertamax Turbo and Dexlite have seen price increases.

8. How do fuel prices differ in each region?

These prices vary depending on the location, influenced by different distribution and logistics costs.

9. What is the impact of rising fuel prices on society?

The increase in transportation costs is a major concern, but the government remains committed to providing subsidized fuel to ease the burden on the community.

10. Are there more economical alternative fuels?

Subsidized fuel, such as Pertalite, has now become a favorite among the community that is smart in managing their budget.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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