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Persuasive is a Subtle Way of Persuasion, Check out the Complete Understanding, Structure, and Examples Below

Persuasive is a Subtle Way of Persuasion, Check out the Complete Understanding, Structure, and Examples Below Illustration (Credit: Pixabay) - Persuasive is a subtle invitation or persuasion technique. Persuasive texts can be a strategy when you want to invite or attract someone's attention to something. These texts can be conveyed in various forms, whether it's writing, video, or direct action.

In advertisements, for example, persuasive techniques are commonly used to attract potential customers. By learning these techniques, you can more easily attract potential customers in your business. Furthermore, persuasive texts can be used as a technique to persuade others about something that you consider important.

The language used in persuasive texts is intentionally crafted to be as appealing as possible. Not everyone can successfully do this. It requires skill to compose an engaging text. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the structure and examples of persuasive texts below.


1. Persuasive is

Persuasive is a subtle way of persuading. According to the definition in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), persuasive is something that is subtly persuasive (to make someone believe). The purpose of this effort is to successfully influence someone to believe in something you believe in.

In the context of writing, for example, Wiyanto argues in the book "Terampil Menulis Paragraf" that persuasive paragraphs aim to convince, persuade, or influence readers to do something as written in the paragraph. Your mastery of persuasive techniques can facilitate communication aimed at influencing the audience.

Unlike everyday communication, persuasive texts must have points that are arranged in the most interesting language possible. The interesting language is expected to arouse the audience's interest in paying attention to the points you convey. For example, persuasive texts in general election campaigns have language that contains promises or efforts to build a distinctive image, such as "people-oriented", "honest", or "trustworthy", to attract the attention of the public to choose him.

You can also pay attention to persuasive texts in various advertisements. Advertisements usually have slogans that are made to be attractive so that the product is easily remembered. After the audience remembers it, they will buy it when they need that type of product. This effect is actually the goal of persuasive techniques.


2. The Structure of Persuasive Texts

As mentioned above, persuasive texts are different from everyday language. There is a structure that you need to pay attention to in order to create an interesting piece. The structure or arrangement of persuasive texts is as follows:

Introduction of the issue

The introduction of the issue can be considered as an opening. The presentation of the issue is necessary as the basis for the development of the following sentences.

Series of arguments

The series of arguments contains your opinions on the issue that has been presented at the beginning. Don't forget to include supporting data for the arguments so that they are not just baseless comments. With that, your arguments will be more convincing.

Call to action

After expressing your opinion, you can start making a call to action. You can use persuasive sentences to encourage readers or viewers to do something. It doesn't have to be explicit, your call to action can also be implied.


Restatement is necessary in persuasive texts. It can be filled with a distinctive closing sentence, such as "thus" or "therefore." It can also be done with an interesting slogan.

3. Example of Persuasive Text

Issue Introduction

Did you know that the human population on Earth is increasing? One of the resulting impacts of this population growth is the shrinking of forests as they are turned into habitats.

This can be seen from satellite data analysis released by the University of Maryland (UMD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI). Since 2002, more than 60 million hectares of primary forests have been lost in tropical areas, equivalent to 1.3 times the size of Sumatra. This means that global warming is becoming more noticeable due to the increasing CO2 levels.

Series of arguments

If analyzed further, this has a negative impact as temperatures rise. The clear impact can be seen in the melting of ice in the polar regions. There is an actual solution that can be an effort to address this issue, which is by reforesting. However, what if we don't have land?

Statement of invitation

If you don't have land, you can use pots or hydroponic planting. This method can be one of the best solutions for you to pursue. Not only that, planting cactus is also highly recommended because it can produce attractive decorations. In this way, you will obtain two benefits at once.


Green and lush is the dream of many people. Therefore, let us remind and educate each other's relatives. Planting means restoring and making the earth. In this way, the reduction of global warming can be done.

That is the understanding, structure, and examples of persuasive texts that you can learn. By realizing that persuasive techniques are a tactic in communication, you will certainly be more skilled in persuading or inviting people around you to do the right thing.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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