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Portrait of Christine Chiu, Crazy Rich Taiwanese who Gifted Roller Coaster for Her Child's Birthday

Portrait of Christine Chiu, Crazy Rich Taiwanese who Gifted Roller Coaster for Her Child's Birthday

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Portrait of Christine Chiu, Crazy Rich Taiwanese who Gifted Roller Coaster for Her Child's Birthday

Crazy Rich Asians have their own way of expressing happiness for their family. One of them is done by Christine Chiu, a woman dubbed crazy rich from Taiwan. With so much wealth, she didn't hesitate to give a roller coaster as a gift for her first child's birthday, baby G. Check out the portrait below!


Christine is the wife of Gabriel Chiu, a renowned plastic surgeon who is a favorite among world celebrities in Beverly Hills.


Name Christine became more well-known when appearing on the Netflix show BLING EMPIRE which tells the story of crazy rich Asians.


According to the South China Morning Post, Christine often parks her luxury cars in the garage and wears expensive dresses.


Having a son named baby G, Gabriel, this child is estimated to be the heir of a dynasty worth around Rp1.1 trillion.


In June 2019, Christine celebrated baby G's first birthday with a grand party. The event was enlivened with a roller coaster and a specially made carousel.


In addition, Christine also donated $1 million or Rp14 billion on behalf of Baby G to the Cayton Children's Museum in Santa Monica, USA. What do you think, KLovers?


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