Kapanlagi.com - Softening someone's hard heart can be difficult. Changing someone's perspective cannot be done through force. If forced, instead of softening their heart, conflicts may arise. In Islamic teachings, changing someone's heart is done through good means, namely through prayer. Yes, it is believed that there are prayers to soften someone's hard heart.
In Islam itself, praying for the good of others has many virtues. The same goes for praying for someone's hard heart to soften. This prayer is believed to open the locked doors of hearts, reduce tension between individuals, and create an atmosphere of peace in relationships.
By humbling oneself before Allah SWT and seeking His help, Muslims believe that someone's hard heart can be transformed into a soft one. To soften or melt someone's heart, there are several prayers that can be recited. Here are some prayers to soften someone's heart that can be practiced by every Muslim.
1. Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet David

Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet David (credit: unsplash)
"Allahumma layyin li qalbahu, layyinta li Dawudal hadid"
"O Allah, soften his heart as You softened David's (towards) iron."
2. Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet Joseph

Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet Joseph (credit: unsplash)
"Izh qaala yusufu li'abiihi yaa abati innii ra'aitu akhada 'asyara kaukabaw wasy-syamsa wal-qamara ra'aituhum lii saajidiin."
"(Remember) when Joseph said to his father: 'O my father, indeed I have seen eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.'"
3. Prayer to Melt Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet Moses

Prayer to Melt Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet Moses (credit: unsplash)
"Robbisy rohlii shodrii, wa yassirlii amrii, wahlul 'uqdatam mil lisaani yafqohu qoulii."
Meaning: "O Allah, expand my chest for me and make my task easy for me and remove the knot from my tongue so that they may understand my speech."
4. Prayer to Melt Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet Solomon

Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart with the Prayer of Prophet Sulaiman (credit: unsplash)
"Innahu min sulaimaana wa innahuu bismillaahir-rakhmaanir-rakhiim. allaa ta'luu 'alayya wa'tuunii muslimiin."
"Indeed, this letter is from someone named Solomon, and indeed, it is with the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Do not be arrogant towards me, but come to me in submission."
5. Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart Specifically by Mentioning Their Name

Prayer to Soften Someone's Heart Specifically by Mentioning Their Name (credit: unsplash)
"Allahumma innaka antal azizul kabir. Wa anaa abduka adhdhoiifudzdzaliil. Alladzii laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa bika. Allahumma sakhirli ... (mention the person's name, for example fulan bin fulan)... kama sakhkhorta firauna li musa. Wa layyin li qolbahuu kama layyantalhadiida li dawuda. Fa innahu la yantiqu illa bi idznika. Nashiyatuhuu fii qobdhatika. Wa qolbuhuu fi yadika. Jalla tsanau wajhik. ya arkhamar rakhimiin.
"O Allah, You are the Almighty and the Great. And I am Your weak and humble servant, there is no power or strength except with You. O Allah, subdue (mention the name, for example fulan bin fulan) to me as You subdued Pharaoh to Moses, and soften their heart for me as You softened iron for David. Because they do not speak except with Your permission, their fate is in Your hands, and their heart is in Your hands."
Those are some of the prayers that can be recited to soften the heart of someone who is stubborn. May it be beneficial, increase knowledge, and strengthen faith as a Muslim. Amen.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.