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Prayer Sitting Between Two Prostrations and Its Meaning, Know the Virtue and Proper Movement Guidelines

Prayer Sitting Between Two Prostrations and Its Meaning, Know the Virtue and Proper Movement Guidelines Prayer Sitting Between Two Prostrations and Its Meaning (credit: unsplash) - Sholat is one of the mandatory prayers for Muslims. Generally, prayers are performed by performing a series of movements and prayers. One important movement in prayer is sitting between two prostrations. Sitting between two prostrations is a sitting position performed between the first and second prostrations. Like other movements, there is also a special prayer when sitting between two prostrations.

The prayer recited in the sitting position between two prostrations is considered short. Nevertheless, the prayer recitation of sitting between two prostrations has a deep meaning, such as seeking forgiveness, blessings, and guidance from Allah SWT. Therefore, it is only right for Muslims to be able to recite the prayer of sitting between two prostrations correctly, in order to obtain its virtue.

For that, here is a review of the prayer recitation of sitting between two prostrations, along with its virtue:

1. Reading Prayer Sitting Between Two Prostrations

As mentioned before, the prayer sitting between two prostrations has a concise recitation but carries a deep meaning. Here is the recitation and its meaning:

"Robbighfirlii warhamnii wajburnii warfa'nii warzuqnii wahdinii wa'aafinii wa'fu 'annii."


"O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, improve my condition, elevate my rank, provide me with sustenance and guidance, and pardon me."

In addition to the above prayer, in a hadith narrated by At Tirmidzi, it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sometimes recited a different and more concise prayer sitting between two prostrations. The hadith states:

"Usually, when the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sat between two prostrations, he recited: Allohummaghfirli warahmnii, wajburnii, wahdini, warzuqnii (meaning: O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, suffice me, guide me, and provide me with sustenance)." (HR. At Tirmidzi no.284, authenticated by Al Albani in Shahih At Tirmidzi)

According to the above hadith, the prayer sitting between two prostrations can also be recited as:

"Allahummaghfirli warahmnii, wajburnii, wahdini, warzuqnii."


"O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, suffice me, guide me, and provide me with sustenance."

2. The Virtue of Prayer Sitting Between Two Prostrations

By contemplating and reciting the prayer of sitting between two prostrations with diligence, Muslims can experience these virtues and obtain high spiritual benefits. Furthermore, regularly reciting this prayer can make their prayers more focused and meaningful. Based on the narrated hadiths, there are several virtues in reciting the prayer of sitting between two prostrations. Here are some of them:

1. Seeking Forgiveness

The prayer of sitting between two prostrations is a moment where Muslims seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. In this prayer, Muslims ask Allah SWT to forgive their sins and bestow His mercy.

2. Seeking Guidance

In the prayer of sitting between two prostrations, Muslims seek Allah SWT's guidance. This instruction is very important in living daily life and making the right decisions.

3. Achieving Blessings

By reciting the prayer while sitting between two prostrations, Muslims hope that Allah SWT will grant blessings in all aspects of their lives. These blessings include sustenance, health, safety, and success in this world and the hereafter.

4. Increasing Faith

Reciting the prayer while sitting between two prostrations is part of worship in prayer. By reciting this prayer with full devotion, Muslims can increase their worship and gain greater rewards.

5. Strengthening the Relationship with Allah SWT

The prayer while sitting between two prostrations is a moment when Muslims communicate directly with Allah SWT. By reciting this prayer with humility and hope, Muslims can strengthen their relationship with Allah SWT and feel His presence.

6. Seeking Protection

During the sitting between two prostrations, Muslims also seek Allah's protection from all evil and harm. This includes protection from the interference of devils, diseases, and calamities that may threaten their lives.

3. The Correct Sitting Movement Between Two Prostrations

In addition to the prayer recitation, Muslims must also know the proper way to perform the sitting movement between two prostrations according to the guidance. The explanation regarding how to sit between two prostrations is found in the book titled Hasyiyah I'anah at-Thalibin by Sheikh Abu Bakar Muhammad Syatha.

In the book, it is explained that the recommended way to sit between two prostrations is by sitting on the left foot, with the upper part of the left foot touching the floor. Then, the right foot is raised, with the tips of the toes touching the floor and facing the direction of the qibla.

Those are some of the explanations regarding the recitation of the prayer sitting between two prostrations, the explanation of its virtue, and the correct movement guide. Hopefully, it is beneficial, increases knowledge, and strengthens faith as a Muslim. Amen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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