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Seizure of Illegal Imported Skincare by BPOM RI, Valued at Billions

Seizure of Illegal Imported Skincare by BPOM RI, Valued at Billions Cosmetics Illustration. (credit; pixabay/daviddchristensen) - The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) of Indonesia recently launched a massive operation to eradicate the circulation of illegal cosmetics throughout Indonesia. The result? They successfully seized illegal cosmetic products worth a staggering amount, reaching billions of rupiah! This bold step was taken to protect the public from health threats posed by unregistered products containing hazardous substances.

In a simultaneous operation that took place from February 10 to 18, 2025, BPOM discovered 91 brands of illegal cosmetics with a total value reaching Rp31.7 billion. Interestingly, most of the seized products were those that were going viral on social media, but unfortunately, they did not have official distribution permits. Of the total 205,133 products secured, 79.9% did not have distribution permits, 17.4% contained hazardous materials, 2.6% were expired, and 0.1% were injectable cosmetics.

This firm action demonstrates that BPOM is serious about their efforts to eradicate rampant illegal cosmetics in the market. This is a serious concern, especially with the clever modus operandi of the perpetrators, such as the use of fake distribution permits and promotions through social media by influencers.

Summarized from various sources by on Monday (24/2/2025), here are other interesting facts from this operation.

1. Findings on Illegal Cosmetics

In an effort to enforce the safety of cosmetic products in Indonesia, BPOM launched a series of operations that revealed shocking facts: from September to October 2024, more than 415,000 illegal cosmetic products worth Rp11.4 billion were successfully seized, with most originating from countries such as China, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. These products are not only illegal but also contain hazardous materials that can endanger health.

Not stopping there, from October to November 2024, BPOM again found 235 illegal cosmetic items valued at over Rp8.91 billion, many of which were sold online without meeting the established standards.

Most recently, between February 10 and 18, 2025, BPOM again cracked down on the circulation of unauthorized cosmetics, where the majority of the illegal products uncovered were imported cosmetics that went viral online.

"BPOM discovered violations and alleged crimes in the production and distribution of illegal cosmetics valued at over Rp31.7 billion, a significant increase of more than 10 times compared to the oversight in 2024," said the Head of BPOM, Taruna Ikrar, at a press conference at the BPOM office in Jakarta, Friday (21/2/2025), quoted from the official BPOM website.

2. The Importance of KLIK Check for Consumers

BPOM reminds the public to always be vigilant and apply the KLIK principle (Check Packaging, Label, Distribution License, and Expiration Date) before purchasing cosmetic products. This is very important to avoid health risks due to unregistered products that may contain harmful substances.

Make sure you only buy cosmetics from trusted sales places, and if shopping online, choose official stores. Do not be easily swayed by advertisements that promise instant results.

The head of BPOM, Taruna Ikrar, emphasized that these fraudulent practices harm consumers and disrupt the integrity of cosmetic regulations in Indonesia. Therefore, BPOM, together with related agencies, will continue to take strict action against violators involved in the circulation of illegal cosmetics to protect the public.

3. FAQ

  1. What is meant by illegal cosmetics? Illegal cosmetics are products that do not have an official distribution license from BPOM and may contain harmful substances that do not meet safety standards.
  2. How can consumers know if a cosmetic product is safe? Consumers can apply the KLIK principle (Check Packaging, Label, Distribution License, and Expiration Date) to ensure the authenticity and legality of the product before purchasing.
  3. What are the impacts of using illegal cosmetics? The use of illegal cosmetics can potentially harm health, as these products may contain unregistered harmful substances.
  4. How does BPOM take action against violations related to illegal cosmetics? BPOM takes action through monitoring operations, product recalls, and possible legal action against violators.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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