Kapanlagi.com - Reciting or reading the holy verses of the Quran is one of the main religious practices in Islam. It is not only about reading, but a Muslim is also required to memorize the short verses that exist in the Quran. This is because reciting short verses is a pillar that must be done when performing prayer. Among the many short verses, Al Bayyinah, which means proof, is one that is quite often read.
Like other verses in the Quran, Al Bayyinah also has a profound and meaningful interpretation. In general, Al Bayyinah means proof. In this case, what is meant is the proof that Islam is the truest religion. Therefore, by understanding the meaning of Al Bayyinah, a Muslim is believed to be able to maintain and increase their faith.
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As reported from various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of Al Bayyinah, its contents, and its virtues. Al Bayyinah means proof along with its contents and virtues.
1. Understanding Surat Al Bayyinah Meaning Proof

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Before delving into its meaning, as Muslims we need to understand the details of Surat Al Bayyinah first. Al Bayyinah is the 98th surah in the Quran. This surah, which is included in Juz 30, consists of 8 verses. As mentioned earlier, the 8 verses of Surat Al Bayyinah mean the proof of Allah SWT that Islam is the true religion.
Regarding the location of its revelation, there are two views. First, Ibnu 'Athiyah stated that the majority of scholars believe that Surah Al Bayyinah was revealed in the city of Mecca. Thus, Al Bayyinah is classified as a Meccan surah. However, Al Qurthubi mentioned that the majority of scholars believe that Surat Al Bayyinah was revealed in the city of Medina. That means, Al Bayyinah is classified as a Medinan surah.
Regardless of these conflicting views, Al Bayyinah remains one of the important surahs in the Quran. Because, Al Bayyinah means proof that Islam is the true religion.
2. Reading and Meaning of Surah Al Bayyinah

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As mentioned earlier, Surah Al Bayyinah consists of 8 verses. In general, the eight verses of Surah Al Bayyinah mean proof that Islam is the true religion. To understand it better, here is the reading and meaning of Surah Al Bayyinah.
1. Lam yakunilladhiina kafaru min ahlil kitaabi wal mushrikiina munfakkina hatta ta'tiyahumul bayyinah
(Those who disbelieve among the People of the Book and the polytheists will not be freed (from their unbelief) until there comes to them clear evidence)
2. Rasulum minallah yatlu suhufam mutahharah
(A Messenger from Allah (Muhammad) who recites purified pages (the Qur'an))
3. Fihaa kutubun qayyimah
(In which are upright books (the Qur'an))
4. Wa maa tafarraqal ladhiina ootul kitaaba illaa mim ba'di maa jaa'athumul bayyinah
(And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves)
5. Wa maa umiruu illaa liya'budullaaha mukhlisiina lahud diina hunaafa-a wayuqiimussalaata wayu'tuz zakaata; wa zaalika diinul qayyimah
(They were not commanded except to worship Allah, being sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion)
6. Innal ladhiina kafaru min ahlil kitaabi wal mushrikiina fii nari jahannama khaalidiina fiihaa; ulaa-ika hum sharrul bariyyah
(Indeed, those who disbelieve among the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. They are the worst of creatures)
7. Innal ladhiina aamanu wa 'amilus saalihaati ulaa-ika hum khairul bariyyah
(Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds - they are the best of creatures)
8. 'Ulaa-ikalahum ajruhum 'inda rabbihim jannatu 'adnin tajrii min tahtihaal anhaaru khaalidiina fiihaa abadaa; radiyallahu 'anhum wa raduu 'anhu; wa zaalika liman khashiya rabbah
(For them who fear their Lord is the Gardens of Paradise beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide eternally, and Allah will be pleased with them. They are content with Him and He is content with them. That is for whoever fears his Lord)
3. Content of Surah Al Bayyinah
From the eight verses, we can see that Al Bayyinah means direct proof from Allah SWT. Furthermore, each verse in Surah Al Bayyinah explains that Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Quran as his revelation are the way to the truth.
Al Bayyinah was revealed by Allah SWT for the disbelievers. Specifically, they are the experts of the scripture and the polytheists who have not yet embraced Islam before witnessing the real proof of the greatness of Allah SWT.
In Surah Al Bayyinah, there is also an explanation about the punishment of Hellfire for those disbelievers. Conversely, in that Surah, Allah SWT also promises the reward of paradise for those who believe and do righteous deeds.
4. Virtues of Reading Surah Al Bayyinah

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Surah Al Bayyinah means proof that Islam is the true religion on this earth. Not only does the proof come directly from Allah SWT, but Surah Al Bayyinah also has several virtues.
One of the virtues of Surah Al Bayyinah has been conveyed by Prophet Muhammad SAW in one of his hadiths. Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Whoever recites this Surah (Al Bayyinah), on the Day of Judgment, he will be with the best of people as a friend and companion, namely Sayidina Ali. And if it is read in a new container, and a person who has the disease of laqwah (a type of mouth disease) sees it with his eyes, then he can be cured of it." (Tafsirul Burhan, Juz 8: 345).
Those are some of the explanations about Al Bayyinah meaning proof from Allah SWT that Islam is the true religion. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase your faith as a Muslim. Ameen.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.