Kapanlagi.com - Generally, humans must have something that is their favorite, for example, a favorite animal. In fact, they are willing to spend a lot of money to care for and nurture their beloved animals as if they were treating a child.
Do you like keeping cats? Cats are one of the adorable furry creatures. Of course, you can find cats in many places. In addition, cats are also very friendly with humans.
Among many pets that can be kept, cats are one of the favorites. The cute behavior of cats that can be considered 'random' can improve the owner's mood. Not to mention, the super spoiled behavior of cats, makes you want to play with them all the time.
Did you know that there are types of cats in this world that have exorbitant prices? Even so, cat lovers still strive to buy these expensive cats. Here are the most expensive cats in the world compiled from various sources, Tuesday (14/11/2023).
What types of cats are there? Let's find out more below.
1. Allerca Cat Breed

Allerca Cat with hypoallergenic gene (2020 Merdeka.com/liputan6.com)
This cat is called the Allerca Hypoallergenic Cat, also known as the Allerca cat. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary cat, right?
But don't be mistaken, this cat has a unique attraction. The hypoallergenic gene that resides in the body of the Allerca cat is what makes it special.
Having this gene makes it so that someone who holds this cat is not allergic to the fur of the Allerca cat. So, for those of you who are allergic to cats, you can try raising this Allerca cat. The price of an Allerca cat reaches Rp84.9 million.
2. Persian Cat Breed

White Persian cat (Shutterstock)
Now, if you're familiar with the Persian cat breed. Yes, this cat is no stranger to us. Persian cats have long and thick fur.
In addition, they have a wide body, round face, and flat nose. That's what makes them adorable and sought after by cat lovers.
There are also different types of Persian cats. The three types of Persian cats are Short Hair Persian, Chinchilla, and Himalayan. The price of a Persian cat is around Rp14 million to Rp84 million.
3. Sphynx Cat Breed

Sphynx cat with a triangular head shape (Shutterstock)
The cat formerly known as Canadian Hairless is a cat with very short fur. The fur is so short that you can't even see that this cat has fur.
This medium-sized cat is almost similar to a Peterbald cat. The head of the sphynx cat is very unique. Yes, its head is wide and triangular in shape. Its ears are also large.
In addition, the sphynx cat is sensitive to cold temperatures. This cat is suitable as a pet because it is very affectionate towards its owner and friendly to children. The price range for a sphynx cat is around Rp42.4 million.
4. Bengal Cat Breed

Bengal cat with leopard-like patterns (Shutterstock)
The Bengal cat originated from California, United States. This cat also has another name, which is blacan cat. Interestingly, the appearance of the Bengal cat resembles a leopard or a spotted tiger.
This is because this cat is the third generation offspring of a crossbreeding between an American Shorthair cat and an Asian Leopard cat. Compared to other cats, Bengal cats have a larger body.
However, their large body does not make them intimidating. In fact, Bengal cats are affectionate, easy to socialize, very active, and friendly to children. The price range for Bengal cats is from Rp14 million to Rp350 million.
5. Ashera Cat Breed

Ashera cat resembling a snow leopard (2020 Merdeka.com/liputan6.com)
Ashera cats have the appearance of a snow leopard. Interestingly, this cat has three genes from three different cat breeds. Ashera cats are a combination of domestic cats, African breed cats, and Asian leopard cats.
Ashera cats are extremely rare. Each year, only 5 Ashera kitten are produced by a company in Los Angeles. This cat is very intelligent and affectionate.
The lowest price for an Ashera cat is around Rp251.6 million. Meanwhile, the highest class Ashera cat, which resembles a snow leopard, is priced at Rp1.43 billion.
6. What is the Rarest Cat in the World?
The rarest cat in the world is given to the Sokoke cat breed. This type of cat is originally a wild cat that lives in the forest. If you want to find a Sokoke cat, go to Kenya, specifically in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve. In addition, there are also other rare cats, including Norwegian Forest, Scottish Fold, Sphynx, Korat, Egyptian Mau, and Devon Rex.
7. What is the Biggest Cat in the World?
The biggest cat in the world is the Maine Coon cat. This cat has a large body and can reach a height of 1 meter.
Its face also resembles a lion, with pointed, large ears and a lot of fur. Maine Coon cats are very affectionate, active, and agile.
8. What is the Fiercest Cat in the World?
Gyra Cat or Felis Nigripes is the fiercest cat in the world. This cat is a super fierce killer and the most deadly among the many cat species in this world.
According to Smithsonian, the gyra cat is able to out-hunt the leopard. The gyra cat is able to hunt many prey in one night compared to the number of prey hunted by the leopard in one month.
9. What is a Calico Cat?
A cat with three colors is also called a calico cat, a tortoiseshell cat, or a tricolor cat. A calico cat is a dominant white domestic cat. The other two colors are black and orange.
10. Which is the Most Beautiful Cat in the World?
Ragdoll is the most beautiful type of cat in the other world that has beautiful soft fur and an extraordinary personality. This cat is so loyal, gentle, and very aware of the environment and its relationship with humans.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.