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The Origin of the Term 'Chocolate Party' in the 2024 Regional Elections: Jokowi Supporters Surface!

The Origin of the Term 'Chocolate Party' in the 2024 Regional Elections: Jokowi Supporters Surface! pixabay - Amid the hustle and bustle of preparations for the simultaneous 2024 Regional Elections scheduled for November 27, the controversial issue of the "Chocolate Party" has suddenly emerged. This phenomenon has undoubtedly sparked various speculations regarding the involvement of certain parties allegedly attempting to influence the election results, even dragging the name of former Indonesian President Joko Widodo into the whirlpool of this issue.

Not wanting to be left out, various circles, from political figures to legislative members, have provided diverse responses regarding this hotly debated issue. However, does this issue have a strong foundation, or is it merely a rumor circulating in society?

In this article, we will present a complete chronology of the initial statements issued by the Secretary-General of the PDIP to the official clarification from the Indonesian Parliament, so that readers can clearly understand the dynamics at play. Let us explore the existing facts and view this "Chocolate Party" issue from various perspectives!

1. Origin of the Term

The term "Brown Party" surfaced when PDIP Secretary General, Hasto Kristiyanto, revealed it during an interview on November 22, 2024. Hasto highlighted a group of Joko Widodo sympathizers who allegedly attempted to intervene in the political process during the simultaneous regional elections, accusing them of political mobilization reminiscent of a monarchy system.

This group, according to Hasto, harbors a hidden agenda to protect Jokowi's interests. This controversial statement quickly went viral after being aired on a program on YouTube, sparking heated discussions among the public.

2. Discussion in the DPR: What's Going On with

In a working meeting of Commission I of the DPR held on November 25, 2024, the controversial issue resurfaced when a member of the DPR from the NasDem faction, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo, questioned the relationship between the "Brown Party" and the neutrality of state institutions, including the police.

Although the question garnered attention, there has yet to be any concrete evidence supporting the allegations. Yoyok also expressed his concern, considering the potential negative impact of this issue on the integrity of the elections that must be maintained.

3. Joko Widodo's Response to Allegations

On November 29, 2024, former President Joko Widodo spoke out regarding allegations of his involvement with "Partai Cokelt." In his firm statement, Jokowi urged all parties to prove the claims and suggested that this issue be reported to Bawaslu or the Constitutional Court (MK) if there is valid evidence.

He emphasized that baseless accusations would only increase unrest in society ahead of the regional elections and called for maintaining a conducive atmosphere.

4. DPR States the Issue

On the same day, the Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Habiburokhman, firmly denied the "Partai Coklat" issue circulating in the community, calling it fake news or hoax. In a press conference held in the Meeting Room of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Friday (29/11), he explained that the allegations were illogical, considering that elections involve many parties that often form coalitions.

"What is conveyed by a handful of people regarding parcok and the like we consider as hoaxes," he stated.

He also reminded that every statement should be based on strong evidence, especially for legislative members, in order to maintain the credibility of the institution and prevent political instability.

5. Impact of the Issue: Report to the Honorary Court of the DPR

The "Chocolate Party" issue is now shaking the internal DPR, with several legislative members involved in spreading the narrative officially reported to the Honorary Court of the Council (MKD). The investigation process will soon begin, involving the summoning of witnesses and the collection of necessary evidence.

Although Habiburokhman is reluctant to disclose the identities of the reported DPR members, he emphasizes that any allegations not supported by strong evidence could lead to serious ethical sanctions.

6. What is the Chocolate Party?

This term is believed to refer to a group of loyal supporters of Jokowi who are accused of having a significant influence in determining the outcomes of local elections, creating a wave of controversy amid increasingly heated political dynamics.

7. Is it true that there is police involvement in this?

The Chairman of Commission III of the DPR firmly denied the circulating allegations, calling them baseless hoaxes.

8. What is Joko Widodo's response?

President Jokowi firmly rejected all allegations linking him to the issue, while inviting all parties to bring evidence to the legal realm so that the truth can be revealed.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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