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Who Are the ASN Groups That Cannot Receive THR 2025? Here Is the List

Who Are the ASN Groups That Cannot Receive THR 2025? Here Is the List Illustration of ASN THR (credit: - Holiday Allowance (THR) is always a much-anticipated moment for Civil Servants (ASN) every year. The disbursement of THR coinciding with the Eid al-Fitr holiday is a breath of fresh air for many employees to meet their needs for celebrating Lebaran. However, unfortunately, not all ASN can enjoy this benefit.

According to Government Regulation (PP) Number 14 of 2024, there are several categories of ASN that are not entitled to receive THR and the 13th salary. This regulation emphasizes that only ASN who meet certain criteria can enjoy these allowances. ASN who are inactive in performing state duties or are in certain conditions will lose their rights to this expected allowance.

President Prabowo Subianto has announced that the disbursement of THR for ASN will take place in March 2025. However, for some ASN, this news may not bring the same happiness, as they fall into the category of those who are not entitled to receive THR.

1. Groups of ASN Who Will Not Receive THR 2025

According to Article 5 of Government Regulation Number 14 of 2024, there are several categories of ASN who will not receive THR this year. These categories include:

  • ASN who are on leave outside the responsibility of the state.
  • ASN assigned outside of government agencies.
  • ASN who take leave outside the responsibility of the state are considered not to be performing state duties and therefore are not entitled to THR. Similarly, ASN assigned outside of government agencies with salaries paid by the assigning agency are not included in the list of THR recipients.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani also emphasized that this regulation is in accordance with government policy that refers to state finances and applicable regulations.

2. Groups of ASN Who Are Entitled to Receive THR

As a form of appreciation for their service to the country, the government continues to provide THR to certain groups of ASN who meet the requirements. Based on Government Regulation Number 14 of 2024, the groups entitled to receive THR include:

  • Civil Servants (PNS) and Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS).
  • Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).
  • Members of the TNI and Police.
  • State Officials.
  • Retirees, pension recipients, and allowance recipients.

These five groups receive THR in accordance with the applicable regulations. In addition, non-ASN employees who have worked for at least one year with a work agreement are also entitled to this allowance, as long as it has been stipulated in their work agreements.

3. Schedule for ASN THR Disbursement 2025

The government has established that THR must be disbursed no later than 10 working days before Eid al-Fitr. Referring to the calendar from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Eid al-Fitr in 2025 falls on March 31 and April 1, 2025.

However, considering the predicted increase in the flow of homecoming travelers, the disbursement of THR may be expedited. Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi stated that this acceleration aims to reduce congestion ahead of the peak homecoming flow. It is estimated that THR will be disbursed on March 17, 2025. Here are the details:

Eid al-Fitr: March 31 – April 1, 2025

Deadline for THR Disbursement: March 17, 2025 (10 working days before Eid al-Fitr)

THR Disbursement Acceleration: Estimated to be disbursed on March 17, 2025

Peak Homecoming Flow Predicted: Around March 24–30, 2025

4. Components of ASN THR 2025

The amount of THR for ASN will consist of the following components:

  • Basic salary.
  • Family allowance.
  • Food allowance.
  • Position allowance or general allowance.
  • Performance allowance or additional employee income (TPP) in the region.

Meanwhile, for pension recipients, the THR components include basic salary, family allowance, food allowance, and additional pension income. Teachers and lecturers who do not receive performance allowances will receive professional allowances or additional teacher income in accordance with the regulations.

5. Why is the ASN THR 2025 Not Disbursed for Some?

The government has taken decisive action by not providing Holiday Allowance (THR) to certain groups of Civil Servants (ASN) who are not active in carrying out their duties.

This decision is based on the principles of state finance and existing regulations, aimed at ensuring that the THR budget and the 13th salary are used efficiently.

In this way, the allocated funds will be more targeted, only given to those who are truly committed to carrying out their duties, in accordance with the established provisions.

6. FAQ

1. Will all civil servants receive THR 2025?

No, civil servants who are on leave outside the country or assigned outside government agencies are not entitled to receive THR.

2. When will the THR for civil servants be disbursed in 2025?

The THR for civil servants in 2025 is expected to be disbursed on March 17, 2025, earlier than the normal schedule.

3. What is the amount of THR received by civil servants?

The THR for civil servants is equivalent to the basic salary plus family allowances, food allowances, position allowances, and performance allowances.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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