Synopsis of the soap opera 'DARI JENDELA SMP' Episode 116, aired on Monday, September 21, 2020
What is the soap opera DARI JENDELA SMP that aired today like? Don't miss it! - You can check out the continuation of the story from the soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA today here!
“Samudra reappeared after buying a bottle and bringing groceries... and he was shocked to see Mentari crying and left alone in the stroller... Sam wondered, where is the love??”
Doni took Vina and ran, wanting to leave the house... Novi chased after them. peagngin tangan vina.mohon vina jangan pergi.jangan tinggalin mama.nurut sama mama.vina nggak boleh sama preman kampung itu!
Cinta di kamar, sedang menyusui bayi mentari palsu.cinta tatapi bayi..tapi merasa aneh. anakku.seakrang sudah ada di pelukanku.tapi kenapa..masih terasa jauh??
Di rumah panji, bintang juga nangis2 lagi.panji bilang biar dia ajak bintang jalan2 sebentar.biar dia kena udara segar.suruh babysitter siapin strollernya. babysitter bilang oke.
Ariel intan di franchise.intan bujuk lagi kea riel dengan nyerocos agar balikin semua harta ke feri.bilang, harta kalo nggak berkah itu justru bisa sakit penyakit.ariel minta intan jangan ngomong sembarangan.
Sam dan cinta jalan2 bawa mentari palsu.di bagian bawah jalanan yang menurun.dekat perempatan gitu.malah sam liat ada toko deket situ yang jual barang bayi yang mereka belum ada..
Di sisi lain jalanan ..di bagian atas jalanan yan menurun, panji muncul dorong stroller bintang..sambil ajak ngobrol bayi.tapi ternayta bayi terus nangis. Panji is confused, why is the star crying?
Instead, love is still with the sun, watching the star stroller speeding down.. love is shocked. Astaghfirullah!
Panji runs there and approaches love.. says love! Thank God! Thank you for saving my child!
Samudra reappears after buying a bottle. He brings the groceries.. and he is shocked to see the sun crying and left alone in the stroller.. Sam wonders, where is love??
Love keeps cradling the star with so much affection.. as if hypnotized by the star.. not wanting to separate.. while Panji gazes at love mesmerized.
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