Agnez Mo: Stuck, Failed to Go International?
Video KLY
Clairine Clay's Reaction When She Found Out Her Photo Was Used by an Open BO Account
Here's Clairine Clay's reaction when she found out her photo was used by one of the open BO accounts on Twitter!
Playing in the Series 'YOLO', Adhisty Zara: Feeling Anxious While Filming
Adhisty Zara admits feeling anxious while filming the series 'YOLO!'
Fandy Christian Appears for the First Time, Chooses to Run and Keep Quiet from the Pursuit of the Media Crew
Fandy Christian is seen avoiding the media crew when approached
Ria Ricis & Teuku Ryan Don't Care About Haters: What's Important Is Not Damaging The Household
Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan don't care about haters' comments about their parenting style
Disappointed Son Sentenced to 1 Year in Prison, Mother: Ferry Irawan is Not That Evil
Ferry Irawan's mother, Hariati, is disappointed with the verdict of the Kediri District Court which sentenced her son to one year in prison. However, she cannot do anything and respects the judge's decision.
Finally Rebecca Klopper Appears! Reading Apology Accompanied by Fadly Faisal
Finally Rebecca Klopper appears after the alleged scandal of her 47-second video. Accompanied by her legal team and her boyfriend, Fadly Faisal, Becca reads her apology while bowing her head.
This Song Made Nadhira Suri a Singer
Recently, Nadhira Suri came to the KapanLagi office to promote her latest song titled 'Ceritakan Padaku'. Not only that, Nadhira was also challenged to share her playlist of songs. Check out more here, KLovers!
Another Spectacular Tennis Prize, Raffi Ahmad: 2 Billion Diamond Trophy!
Famous presenter Raffi Ahmad, together with RANS Entertainment, is once again bringing exciting entertainment to the people of Jakarta. This time, he will hold a sports event called Lagi-lagi Tenis. In the event, Raffi Ahmad challenges Deddy Mahendra Desta again.
Nadhira Suri's Favorite Mobile App, Not Social Media?! | KapanLagi Kepo
A while ago, Nadhira Suri took the time to visit KapanLagi.com's office. Nadhira also answered our challenge in KapanLagi Kepo which successfully made us confused about her favorite application.
Nikita Mirzani's Reaction When Lolly Cried and Called Her Mean, Not Allowing Her to be Happy
Nikita Mirzani responds after being called mean by her eldest daughter
Why Does Aldi Taher Like Doing Random and Weird Things?
What is the reason behind Aldi Taher's frequent random behavior? Find out here!
Nindy Affirms She Did Not Provide Assistance to Dito Mahendra After Being Interrogated for 8 Hours
Nindy Ayunda returned to the Bareskrim Polri to fulfill the second summons from investigators on May 31, 2023. Nindy was questioned as a witness to the alleged illegal possession of firearms by suspect Dito Mahendra. For approximately eight hours, Nindy underwent questioning by investigators.