Alisha Bakrie, Aburizal Bakrie's Successful Granddaughter Graduates from High School in England
Video KLY
Complete Video of Hit and Run in Bandung, Car Drags Motorcycle
A viral video shows a hit and run incident that drags a motorcycle.
Nadia Christina Shares Being a Victim of Domestic Violence, Here's Alfath Fathier's Comment
Newlywed Alfath Fathier's wife, Nadia Christina, reveals that she is a victim of domestic violence by her own husband. However, Alfath responded like this.
Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie Officially Undergo Rehabilitation
After waiting, the assessment results for Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie are finally out. Both of them are advised to undergo rehabilitation. Find out more in the following video.
Aurel Hermansyah Rumored to be Pregnant, Anang & Ashanty Respond
Recently, Aurel Hermansyah was rumored to be pregnant with her love child with Atta Halilintar. Anang and Ashanty have given their response. Check out the full story in the following video KLovers.
Getting Closer to LIGHTSUM, the New Teen K-Pop Idol - Part 1
KapanLagi has the opportunity to ask questions that are answered directly by LIGHTSUM members!
Sentenced to 1.5 Years in Prison, Mark Sungkar: For Allah, I Don't Accept
Mark Sungkar's corruption case finally reached its conclusion.
Reasons Why Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie Use Sabu-Sabu
Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie are still undergoing an examination regarding the misuse of the drug type sabu. The reasons why Nia and Ardi use sabu-sabu have been revealed.
Kesha Ratuliu's Sadness, Stepmother Dies After Giving Birth
Kesha Ratuliu is mourning the loss of someone who has been instrumental in her life.
The Groom's Treatment Initially So Sweet, Immediately Divorced After Signing!
A recent wedding in Sumbawa went viral.
Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie Seen Wearing Prisoner Clothes
Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie were seen being escorted out of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Station wearing prisoner clothes. Where are they being taken to?
Agency Allows Momo TWICE and Heechul Super Junior to Break Up
Sad news came from Heechul Super Junior and Momo TWICE. After dating for 1.5 years, their relationship had to end.
Instagram Rizki-Ridho Unfollowed by Lesti Before the Wedding??
Rizki-Ridho speaks up about Lesti unfollowing their Instagram account. Approaching Lesti and Rizky Billar's wedding, what actually happened? Check out Rizki-Ridho's full account in the following video, KLovers.