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Besides Arbani Yasiz, Bisma SMASH is also a candidate for Dilan in ANCIKA 1995

Besides Arbani Yasiz, Bisma SMASH is also a candidate for Dilan in ANCIKA 1995 Ancika @ -

The film ANCIKA: DIA YANG BERSAMAKU 1995 will be released in theaters on January 11, 2024. This film is a continuation of the Dilan and Milea trilogy by renowned writer, Pidi Baiq. The film, starring Zee JKT48 as Ancika, has a different male lead.

In his latest film, Arbani Yasiz will play the character Dilan, previously played by Iqbaal Ramadhan. There are pros and cons to the change of cast. However, there is a special reason why Iqbaal refused to be Dilan again. In addition, it turns out that there are many other interesting facts that have been revealed, one of which is the news that Bisma, a member of SMASH, has been offered to play the role of Dilan. Watch the full video above, KLovers!

Writer: Nuria Mattin


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