Cita Citata Says Indra Bruggman Will Meet His Family !!
Video KLY
Tessa Kaunang Admits to Never Having Silaturahmi with Sandy Tumiwa??
After deciding to end their marital journey together, Tessa Kaunang revealed that she has never had silaturahmi with Sandy Tumiwa. What is the reason?
Amanda Manopo Fasting and Cooking Sahur Menu??
Despite being a non-Muslim, Amanda Manopo still fasts and even cooks sahur menu for friends and crew on set. What could be the reason? Find out more in the following video.
Continuing to Report Obligations, Michael Yukinobu Will Still Get Married This Year
Until today, Michael Yukinobu de Fretes is still continuing to report obligations to the Jakarta Metro Police. Although he doesn't know until when, he still intends to get married this year.
Naura Ayu's Biggest Temptation During Fasting | #HonestRamadan
What is Naura Ayu's biggest temptation while fasting?
Lesti's Infatuation Towards Rizky Billar
The love story of Lesti & Rizky Billar is indeed exciting to follow. In the latest episode of POLES (Kepoin Lesti), Lesti reveals her infatuation towards her lover.
Isyana Sarasvati Starts Exploring Things Beyond Music??
Aside from music, there are other things that Isyana Sarasvati has started to explore during the month of Ramadan. What are they? Find out more in the following video KLovers.
Celine Evangelista Will Tell About Her Household Problems, If...
The ongoing attention-grabbing household problems of Celine Evangelista prompt her to respond again. She admits that she will tell about her household problems when the time is right.
Interview Cast Mortal Kombat: Discovering the Intriguing Side of the Characters
Mortal Kombat brings characters who can summon lightning, create ice, have robotic arms, and shoot fireballs. But is that all?
Yuni Shara's Reaction When Attacked by Haters, Causing a Stir!
Receiving public criticism is one of the risks of being a public figure. Yuni Shara's reaction to haters' criticism is really worth imitating!
Five Books That Are Becoming More Popular Thanks to K-Pop Idols
K-Pop idols indeed have a significant influence on their fans. These books have gained attention because they are read by K-Pop idols. What are the books?
Billy Syahputra Cries Missing Olga Syahputra
Billy Syahputra expresses his longing for his late brother, Olga Syahputra. In fact, Billy admitted to crying because he missed his brother so much.
Lesti Apologizes After Calling Siti Badriah the Worst Singer
A video of Lesti calling Siti Badriah the worst singer suddenly went viral. After Sibad gave a response, now Lesti speaks up about the controversy.