Engaged Rumors, Is Mohammad Fardana the Future Husband of Ayu Ting-Ting?
Video KLY
Bella Shofie's Premonition Before Her Mother's Death: Asking for a Mattress & Preparing Daniel Rigan's Inauguration Outfit
Bella Shofie's Premonition Before Her Mother's Death: Asking for a Mattress & Preparing Daniel Rigan's Inauguration Outfit
Bela Raffi Ahmad, Hotman Paris Expresses Disappointment with NCW
Bela Raffi Ahmad, Hotman Paris Expresses Disappointment with NCW
Bella Shofie's Emotional Moment Visiting Her Mother's Grave for the First Time, Speechless and Crying Hysterically
Bella Shofie's Emotional Moment Visiting Her Mother's Grave for the First Time, Speechless and Crying Hysterically
Transformation of Irwan DA, the 'Prince of Sumenep', Singing Talent Has Been Seen Since Childhood
Transformation of Irwan DA, the 'Prince of Sumenep', Singing Talent Has Been Seen Since Childhood
Losing in the Final of Badminton TOSI 2, El Rumi Acknowledges Valentino Jebret's Effort: He Brought 4 Coaches
Losing in the Final of Badminton TOSI 2, El Rumi Acknowledges Valentino Jebret's Effort: He Brought 4 Coaches
VIRAL! This Group of KKN Students Receives a Luxury House as Their Post
A group of KKN students from Muhammadiyah University in Sidoarjo has gone viral after sharing the place that serves as their post during their KKN program. Unlike usual, where students are placed in a village to carry out their service, these students had a different experience.
HELP!! Olla Ramlan Asks for Help on Social Media, Expresses Unable to Handle Anymore
Olla uploaded a photo with a dark or black background with the word "Help" in English. Through the caption written in her post, Olla also seems to pour out her heart, expressing her feeling of not being able to hold on anymore.
Admit Overwhelmed by Raffi and Nagita, Tanta Ginting: Raffi Earlier - Getting Hotter
Tanta Ginting and Danelta Eunika lost to Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina with a score of six-four, four-six, and five-six. During the match, Tanta Ginting and Danelta were confident they could defeat Raffi Ahmad and Nagita, but...
Audi Marissa Talks About Skin Color Insecurity - Complaints About Expensive School
Audi Marissa Talks About Skin Color Insecurity - Complaints About Expensive School
Accused of Being Semar Koruptor's Pocket, Raffi Ahmad Reveals the Amount of His Honor
Accused of Being Semar Koruptor's Pocket, Raffi Ahmad Reveals the Amount of His Honor
Defeating Jerome Polin and Ricky Subagja, Here's the Secret of Arya Saloka's Powerful Punch
Defeating Jerome Polin and Ricky Subagja, Here's the Secret of Arya Saloka's Powerful Punch
Timo Tjahjanto Reveals Reasons for Choosing Aurora Ribero as the Main Star of the Film THE SHADOW STRAYS
Director Timo Tjahjanto reveals his reasons for choosing Aurora Ribero to portray the main character in his latest film, THE SHADOW STRAYS