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Fariz RM Arrested Again Over Drug Case for the Fourth Time

Fariz RM Arrested Again Over Drug Case for the Fourth Time

Video KLY

Swipe Up to See the Video - Senior musician Fariz Rustam Munaf or Fariz RM has been arrested over a drug case for the fourth time. The news was confirmed by AKBP Andri Kurniawan, the Head of the Narcotics Unit of the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police."It's true, the initials FRM have been arrested," he explained on Wednesday (19/2). A similar statement was given by Nurma AKP Dewi, the Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police. "Yes, (regarding) drugs. We are still completing the data first," said Nurma. Furthermore, AKBP Andri Kurniawan has not detailed the arrest of Fariz RM. Information circulating states, "He has been taken to the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police, still being examined," he said.