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Ghatan Saleh, Former Husband of Dina Lorenza, Arrested for Alleged Shooting, Police: Gun Discarded

Ghatan Saleh, Former Husband of Dina Lorenza, Arrested for Alleged Shooting, Police: Gun Discarded

Video KLY

Swipe Up to See the Video - KLovers,Ghatan Saleh Hilabi, former husband of Cut Keke and Dina Lorenza, is once again involved in a legal case. Ghatan is reported for an alleged shooting case, which occurred on February 8, 2024 at 2 AM, in the Cipinang area of East Jakarta, against a victim named Mohammad Andika Mowardi. East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Police Commissioner Nicolas Ary Lilpaly, explained the chronology of the shooting carried out by Ghatan Saleh, who claimed to have already discarded his gun into the Ciliwung River.