Irwansyah Will Sue His Sister Twice - Ready to Follow the Law
Video KLY
Not Wanting to Cause Trouble, Why Did Doddy Sudrajat Report Marissya Icha?
What is the real reason Doddy Sudrajat reported Marissya Icha?
Lesti & Artists Who Gave Birth to Premature Babies
These female celebrities gave birth prematurely. Who are they?
Putri Marino & Ira Wibowo Also Admire Angga Yunanda
Putri Marino & Ira Wibowo reveal the excitement of filming Cinta Pertama, Kedua & Ketiga!
Taeyeon SNSD's Career Journey, Impressive Since Debut!
Throughout her career in the world of K-Pop, Taeyeon SNSD has managed to showcase her extraordinary talent. Check out her career journey here!
Gaga Muhammad Sentenced to 4 Years 6 Months in Prison, Parents No Comment
Gaga is sentenced to 4.5 years in prison, but requests an opportunity to submit a defense note. This is the atmosphere of Gaga's trial.
Facts about the Ghost Doll Furi Harun, Asking for Music to be Played - Drinking UHT Milk
Furi Harun is known as one of the doll collectors. He has about 347 dolls of various shapes from various countries. But, these are not just any dolls.
Her Video with Gaga Went Viral, Erika Carlina: That Was Laura's Request
Erika Carlina, a celebrity influencer and also Laura Anna's friend, uploaded an old video with Gaga Muhammad during Truth Or Drink. It turns out, the video was made at Laura's request.
Seven Celebrities Graduated in 2021
Who are the celebrities who successfully completed their education in 2021?
Momen Boy William Visits Brother's Grave Receives Criticism from Netizens
Boy William starts 2022 by visiting his brother's grave. He shares this moment on his social media. Unfortunately, the moment received criticism from netizens. What is the reason?
Doddy Sudrajat Has Not Received Insurance Money, Demands F to Apologize
Doddy Sudrajat, represented by his legal counsel, held a press conference to clarify the circulating news. One of them is that the father of the late Vanessa Angel has not received the insurance money. Mr. Doddy demands a woman with the initial F to apologize within 3x24 hours. Who is she?
Irwansyah Reports His Own Brother to the Police, House at Risk of Seizure?
What is the reason Irwansyah reports his own brother? Hafiz is also included in the List of Wanted Persons.
Doddy Sudrajat's Side Says Marissya Icha Will Be Summoned by Kemensos
The issue between Doddy and Marissya Icha is apparently not resolved yet.