Kris Dayanti, Titi DJ & Ruth Sahanaya Give Hints About the SUPER DIVA Concert
Video KLY
Yoriko Angeline and Gabriel Prince Are Shocked, It Turns Out Filming in Korea is This Strict!
They shared the excitement of filming in Korea. Prince even mentioned that he was mistaken for a Korean artist.
Yoriko Angeline and Gabriel Prince Reveal Their Biggest Sacrifice as Artists
What if Yoriko and Gabriel Prince had a sibling who often committed violence? Are you curious about the answer, KLovers?
Involved in Allegations of Royalty Dispute, Mega Makcik to Sue Dangdut Queen, Elvy Sukaesih
Involved in Allegations of Royalty Dispute, Mega Makcik to Sue Dangdut Queen, Elvy Sukaesih
Sonny Septian's Tears as He Lets Go of His Late Mother to Depart Forever After Battling Cancer for 15 Years
Before passing away, Waty Siregar was briefly unconscious. It was during this time that Sonny's extended family began to let go of their beloved mother.
Absent 2 Times in Divorce Hearing & Makes Wife Upset, Edward Akbar Reports Kimberly Ryder to KPAI?
After previously being absent twice in the divorce hearing, he officially reported his wife to the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) on October 3, 2024.
Syifa Hadju's Answer When Asked When She Will Marry El Rumi: Al Sama Alyssa First
Syifa Hadju's Answer When Asked When She Will Marry El Rumi: Al Sama Alyssa First
Update on LM's Condition at Safe House, Emotions Controlled - Has Not Communicated with Nikita Mirzani
Update on LM's Condition at Safe House, Emotions Controlled - Has Not Communicated with Nikita Mirzani
Playing the Wildest Character in 'Modern Husbands' 3, Tarra Budiman Worries About Being Watched by His Child
Playing the Wildest Character in 'Modern Husbands' 3, Tarra Budiman Worries About Being Watched by His Child
Visit Metro Police, Nikita Mirzani Reports a Lawyer with the Clue 'Ninja Turtle'?
Visit Metro Police, Nikita Mirzani Reports a Lawyer with the Clue 'Ninja Turtle'?
Prove the Promise, Verrell Bramasta Will Not Take His Salary as a Council Member for the First Year
Prove the Promise, Verrell Bramasta Will Not Take His Salary as a Council Member for the First Year
Andrew Andika Apologizes to His Child & Wife After His Urine Tested Positive for Drugs
Soap opera actor Andrew Andika only hung his head low when presented at a press conference held by the West Jakarta Metro Police. With his hands handcuffed, Andrew Andika, who was wearing a black t-shirt, was given the opportunity to speak.
38 Years Together with the Late Marissa Haque, Ikang Fawzi: Our Love Because of Allah SWT
Ikang calls the adhan for his beloved wife and mentions that their love journey over 38 years has been extraordinary.