Krisdayanti Hasn't Met Raul Lemos for Months, What's Going On?
Video KLY
Via Vallen Finds Similarity with the Character Raya | Raya and The Last Dragon
Via Vallen is the first dangdut singer involved in a Disney project. Happy? Definitely. Via recently shared the processes of creating the soundtrack for the film Raya and The Last Dragon. Want to know more?
Raisa Shares Creative Process Behind the Song Trust Again | Raya and The Last Dragon
Raisa is once again entrusted to collaborate with Disney. She performs the soundtrack for the film Raya And The Last Dragon titled Trust Again. This collaboration is slightly different for Raisa. What's the story behind it?
Coldiac Challenged to Try Weird Food Combinations | What The Food
Coldiac is challenged to taste five strange daily food combinations. What is Coldiac's reaction when trying these foods. Well, watch the fun!
5 Favorite Special Foods from Semarang by Bhisma Mulia
Bhisma Mulia recently answered questions about food in the What The Food segment. Starting from guilty pleasures to recommendations of typical Semarang foods.
What Does Indomie Mieghetti Bolognese Taste Like? | What The Food
What does the taste of Indomie mieghetti bolognese really like?
Review To All The Boys: Always & Forever, Sweet Conclusion to Love Story
To All The Boys: Always and Forever serves as the conclusion to the To All The Boys trilogy. This film presents the final chapter of Lara Jean Covey & Peter Kavinsky's love story. Check out the brief review from KapanLagi!
Rina Gunawan Passes Away, Last Wish Makes Sad
Rina Gunawan has passed away forever.
Millen Cyrus Caught at a Cafe, Here's the Fact
Having been caught with drugs at the end of 2020, Millen Cyrus was apprehended at a cafe on February 27, 2021. Although her urine tested positive, she was returned to her family. Here's the fact.
12 Years of Marriage, Wulan Guritno Divorces
Wulan secretly filed for divorce from Adilla Dimitri. Their divorce trial will be held in the third week of March. What is their reason for finally separating?
5 Facts About Millen Cyrus Being Arrested for the Second Time
Millen Cyrus has been arrested by the police for the second time.
List of Winners of Golden Globes 2021
The Golden Globes have just concluded. Want to know which films won?
Via Vallen Dreams of Being Picked Up by a White Horse Prince
Via Vallen was chosen to fill the soundtrack of the Disney film, Raya and the Last Dragon. This is certainly a dream come true for her. Especially because Via likes Disney princesses. She even fantasized about being picked up by a prince like a princess.