Main Weekly Participant Favorite LIDA Duet with Faul, Initially Thought it was a Scam
Video KLY
Ria Ricis Reprimanded by Neighbors for Shooting with Many Crew
Ria Ricis became a trending topic on Twitter related to shooting during the Corona pandemic.
Chronology of Andrea Dian Testing Positive for the Corona Virus
Andrea Dian reveals the chronology of her being declared positive for the Corona virus.
Rahmania Astrini, It Feels Funny & Quite Strange
She is still very young, but her talent has the potential to captivate your ears, heart, and mind to fall in love with Rahmania Astrini's melodious voice. Check out our conversation with Astri in this video!
Bunga Jelitha Officially Married, Wedding Reception Postponed Due to Corona
Puteri Indonesia 2017 Bunga Jelitha has officially married her lover, Syamsir Alam. The widespread of the Corona virus has caused them to postpone their wedding reception.
Corruptor, Animal or Human | BUCIN
In this Word Chain game, is Corruptor classified as an animal? Watch it and leave your comments, KLovers.
Millions of People Don't Realize that Acha Sinaga & Nadila Ernesta Look Alike
Millions of people don't realize that Acha Sinaga and Nadila Ernesta look very similar. Prove it.
Action Caring for the Corona Virus, Rachel Vennya Raises Funds & Donates Hundreds of Millions
Rachel Venya donates hundreds of millions of funds related to the corona virus.
Activities of 10 Celebrities When at Home with Family, Avoiding Corona
KLovers who are currently at home are confused about what to do? Maybe you can see the activities of these celebrities!
Already Know the Facts About Indonesian Idol?
KapanLagi Class is back! This time, the Teacher will reveal interesting facts about Indonesian Idol. What are they? Let's find out!
Intimate with Zara & Angga: Round 4 - A Letter for You
In round 4, Adhisty Zara and Angga Yunanda cried together.
Intimate with Zara & Angga: Round 3 - Blindfold Feeding
In this third round, Zara & Angga play the ice cream feeding game. So sweet!
Go Public, Zaskia Gotik Asks for Prayers
For a long time, the public has been guessing, who is Zaskia Gotik's current boyfriend? Finally, Zaskia goes public. Who is her lover?