Matty Healy Damages Drone On Stage - Fights Fans on Instagram DM
Video KLY
Prilly Latuconsina Locked in a Room with Refal Hady While Reading 'WHEN STOPPING HERE'
Prilly Latuconsina and Refal Hady had an interesting experience during the process of reading 'WHEN STOPPING HERE'
Keisya Levronka - Criticized for Frequently Falsifying and Being Called Pretentious
Keisya Levronka is once again facing controversy. After being called out last year for frequently falsifying when singing her own songs, this time Keisya is being called impolite and pretentious.
'Emang Begini Kalau Bercanda' | Bayu Skak Uploads BTS Video of Lara Ati 2, Defends Keisya Levronka?
Bayu Skak appears to defend Keisya Levronka, who is currently viral, by uploading a BTS video of Lara Ati 2
NewJeans Members Become Ambassadors for These Luxury Brands!
Here are the luxury brands that have appointed NewJeans members as their brand ambassadors!
Rendy Kjaernett Wants to Reconcile, Promises to Pay for His Mistakes to Lady Nayoan
Rendy Kjaernett admits wanting to reconcile with Lady Nayoan and regretting because news of his affair spread throughout Indonesia
Attitude of Keisya Levronka Compared to Ziva & Tiara in Marlo Ernesto's Podcast
Keisya Levronka's attitude as a guest on Marlo Ernesto's podcast has received criticism from netizens
Rendy Kjaernett Wants to Reconcile, Promises to Pay for His Mistakes to Lady Nayoan
Rendy Kjaernett reveals his desire to reconcile with Lady Nayoan
Selfi Yamma Challenged to Sing The Word India Version
What would happen if Selfi Yamma was challenged to play Sing The World India version?
Rossa Doesn't Accept Being Accused of Ignoring Betrand Peto - Report Haters
Rossa is furious because of a video that leads to negative opinions about her
Delete Lover's Tattoo, Rendy Kjaernett: This is How I Get Lady Back
Rendy Kjaernett deleted Syahnaz Sadiqah's tattoo as a form of seriousness to reconcile with Lady Nayoan
Gala Sky's 3rd Birthday, Haji Faisal: If Mom and Dad Were Still Here, They Would Be Happy
Without realizing it, Gala Sky Andriansyah is now three years old. When remembering the late Febri Andriansyah, Haji Faisal ensures that the late person would be happy to see Gala growing up healthy and smart.
Actor Pierre Gruno Named a Suspect for Alleged Assault on Man in Bar
Actor Pierre Gruno has been named a suspect in a case of assault on a man with the initials GBS at a bar in Cilandak, South Jakarta. The star of the film THE RAID was presented to the media during a press conference held by the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police on Friday (14/7/2023).