Once a Fisherman, Owan's Struggle Story Can Be Released to Heal Wounds
Video KLY
Raffi Ahmad - Nagita Slavina Finally Reveals Baby Lily's Face, Hugged by Rafathar and Cipung
Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina finally revealed the face of Lily, the baby girl they adopted some time ago. Previously, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita kept Lily's face a secret from the public.
Reasons Alan Walker Considers Indonesia Special - Alan's Concert Preparation in Indonesia
Reasons Alan Walker Considers Indonesia Special - Alan's Concert Preparation in Indonesia
Perpetrator of Vina Case Admits, Pegi Setiawan is Different from DPO Photo
Perpetrator of Vina Case Admits, Pegi Setiawan is Different from DPO Photo
Exclusive Interview with BOY STORY, Experience of Being an Idol
Exclusive Interview with BOY STORY, Experience of Being an Idol
CCTV Footage of Vina's Crime Scene Circulates, Cirebon Residents Carry Out Peaceful Actions Around the Incident Location
CCTV Footage of Vina's Crime Scene Circulates, Cirebon Residents Carry Out Peaceful Actions Around the Incident Location
Thariq Halilintar & Aaliyah Massaid Busy Preparing for Wedding, Designer Gives Hint on Date
Thariq Halilintar & Aaliyah Massaid Busy Preparing for Wedding, Designer Gives Hint of Date
Awdella Story About Being a Champion Subscriber 1 to Silent Treatment Boyfriend
Awdella Story About Being a Champion Subscriber 1 to Silent Treatment Boyfriend
Duo Anggrek Main Kapan Lagi Battle, Sound Quality & Song Memorization Tested!
Duo Anggrek Main Kapan Lagi Battle, Sound Quality & Song Memorization Tested!
Vina's Case Still Complicated, Hotman Paris Considers Pegi Setiawan's Arrest Too Hasty
Vina's Case Still Complicated, Hotman Paris Considers Pegi Setiawan's Arrest Too Hasty
Testimony of Aep's Truthfulness Questioned, Residents around the Crime Scene Speak Up
Testimony of Aep's Truthfulness Questioned, Residents around the Crime Scene Speak Up
Already Aired, Serial LOVE DADDY, Lifted From the Concern of Fathers to Their Children
Already Aired, Serial LOVE DADDY, Lifted From the Concern of Fathers to Their Children
Fortuner Driver Who Hit Toddler in Sidoarjo Becomes Suspect, Previously Complained by Residents
In this case, the Toyota Fortuner driver has been named a suspect. Ony explained that the Fortuner driver who hit the toddler will be charged under Article 310 paragraph 4 of the Law on Traffic and Road Transportation no. 22 of 2009. The suspect faces a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison or a fine of up to 12 million.