Only Free for 3 Months, This is Why Jeff Smith Uses Drugs Again
Video KLY
Wife Says Mr. Ogah Has No Will to Live
Mr. Ogah's condition is concerning, both physically, mentally, and financially.
Rizky Febian Deliberately Gives Clues about Nathalie Holscher's Birth Preparation??
Rizky Febian intentionally leaked the preparations for Nathalie Holscher's childbirth, even though he knew he would be reprimanded by both parents. What are the preparations like? Find out more in the following video.
10 Most Listened to K-Pop Girl Groups on Spotify in 2021
Who are the Korean girl groups dominating Spotify this year? The answer is here!<\/p>
The Five Most Played Songs on Spotify in 2021
The Spotify app has released the 2021 Wrapped list. This list shows the artists, songs, and albums that were most played on the app throughout 2021. Curious about which songs were played the most this year?
Police Reveal the Chronology of Jeff Smith's Arrest
Police give the chronology of Jeff Smith's arrest on Wednesday (08/12) night
Ari Lasso's Heartfelt Confession Still Struggling Against Rare Cancer
Ari Lasso has just undergone his fourth chemotherapy out of six therapies.
Adam Deni Reports Lawyer - Says Jerinx Will End His Life?
Adam Deni Gearaka reported I Gede Ary Astina or Jerinx's lawyer with the initials STS. Adam Deni exposed the slander directed at him by Jerinx. According to him, these are the series of slanders launched by STS against him.
Adam Deni Admits Being Offered Land in Uluwatu Worth Rp 10 M
Adam Deni admitted being offered land worth Rp 10 M
Initially Didn't Want to Clarify, Bio One's Body Became Skinny and Was Thought to be Influenced by Drugs
Bio One finally speaks up after being thought to be using drugs and his body became skinny. What is his clarification like?
Controversy, Gala Sky's Last Name Changed in Yasin Book
A 40-day religious event for the late Vanessa Angel will be held next week. However, a photo circulates showing Gala Sky Andriansyah's name changed in the Yasin book, allegedly belonging to Doddy Sudrajat's family.
Fuji Reveals the Chronology of Mayang Not Carrying One Bag of Clothes
Mayang is said to have carried one bag containing clothes, skincare, and several other items belonging to the late Vanessa Angel. Fuji reveals the chronology and will not reprimand Mayang if...
Divorced Again, Rizki DA Secretly Sues Nadya Mustika
The 24-year-old dangdut singer secretly sued his wife in the Bandung Religious Court. What is Iky's reason for divorcing Nadya Mustika again?