UN1TY Prepares New Single, Created by Songwriter Justin Bieber & EXO
Video KLY
Vanesha Prescilla & Sissy Prescillia Showcase Beautiful Voice in Single 'Melangkah'
Vanesha Prescilla & Sissy Prescillia are happy to realize their duet dream in the single 'Melangkah'.
Story of Ariel Tatum, Joanita, & 3 Friends Got an Impromptu Scene from Garin Nugroho
Ariel Tatum, Joanita, and 3 Friends from Papua promote their latest film, Sepeda Presiden.
Jamie Foxx Reveals the Enemies of SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME Play an Important Role
Jamie Foxx becomes one of the enemies in the film SPIDER-MAN NO WAY HOME that steals attention.
Gaga Muhammad Raises Donations for Medical Expenses, Laura Anna's Family Admits Not Knowing Anything
Laura Anna's late family finally speaks up about the donation made by Gaga Muhammad through kitabisa.com. Find out more information in the following video.
This is the Reason Gisella Anastasia Announced the Breakup with Wijin Through an Instagram Post
Gisella Anastasia speaks up about the reason she announced her breakup with Wijin through an Instagram post. Check out the complete information in the following video, KLovers.
Thofu Viral, H. Faisal's Opinion on Thoriq and Fuji's Relationship
Haji Faisal speaks up about the news of Fuji's closeness with Thariq Halilintar!
Thofu Viral, H. Faisal's Opinion on Thoriq and Fuji's Relationship
Haji Faisal speaks up about the news of Fuji's closeness with Thariq Halilintar!
Davina Veronica Criticizes Wealthy Artists Building Zoos
Davina Veronica criticizes wealthy artists who plan to build zoos. Is it aimed at Raffi Ahmad?
Playing Games, Everyone Ends Up Focusing on Sheila Dara's Writing | TEKA-TEKI TIKA
The cast and director of TEKA-TEKI TIKA recently visited the KapanLagi office to promote their film. Not only did they talk about the film, but we also challenged them to play KapanLagi Battle.
Playing Games, Everyone Ends Up Focusing on Sheila Dara's Writing | TEKA-TEKI TIKA
The cast and director of TEKA-TEKI TIKA recently visited the KapanLagi office to promote their film. Not only did they talk about the film, but we also challenged them to play KapanLagi Battle.
No Possibility of Reconciliation, Kenang Mirdad is Ready to be Single
The verdict will be announced on January 11, 2022. Kenang admits he is ready to be single.
No Possibility of Reconciliation, Kenang Mirdad is Ready to be Single
The verdict will be announced on January 11, 2022. Kenang admits he is ready to be single.