On January 16, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's residence in Bandra became the site of a robbery. Forensic analysis revealed that the fingerprints of Shariful Fakir, a 30-year-old arrested in connection with the incident, matched the fingerprints found in several locations inside Saif's house. The police also found a white bag containing various tools and pieces of a knife discarded by the suspect near Bandra Talao.
The suspect's fingerprints were found in several locations inside the house, including on the air duct, the doorknob of Saif's youngest son Jehangir's bedroom, as well as on the bathroom door. The police stated this as reported by the Times of India.
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The police then recorded Saif's statement describing the violent encounter with the intruder at his 11th-floor apartment in Satguru Sharan. In his statement, Saif explained that after successfully overpowering the intruder, his grip slipped after the suspect stabbed him repeatedly in the back.
Saif also recounted how fear gripped his family and staff when confronted by the armed intruder. He immediately ran towards the intruder to protect his son and staff. The intruder was first spotted by staff nurse, Eliyamma Phillip, who was in the room with Jehangir.
Saif said that he and his wife, Kareena Kapoor, came out of the room after hearing Phillip's screams and Jehangir's cries. At that moment, he saw the intruder attacking Phillip. Without hesitation, Saif immediately attacked and apprehended the intruder, but the intruder managed to stab him to escape.
After returning from the hospital, Saif was informed by Phillip that the intruder had demanded a ransom of Rs1 crore or about Rp1.8 billion. The police also added that after the incident, Saif's sons, Ibrahim and Taimur, took him to the hospital using public transportation.
The police conducted a crime scene reconstruction on Wednesday to map out how the robbery occurred. This reconstruction was carried out after a white bag containing evidence was found near Bandra Talao. During the reconstruction, Shariful revealed how he climbed a 4-foot wall to enter the complex, then used a ladder to reach the air duct and cut through the rat mesh to get to the fourth floor.
After that, Shariful used a ladder to climb to the 10th floor and crawled through the air duct to enter Saif's apartment bathroom on the 11th floor. He then used the same route to escape after the attack. Stay tuned for updates from Saif only on KapanLagi.com, if not now, when else?
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