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The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit

The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit


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The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit

Pushpika De Silva became the center of attention worldwide due to the incident of the removal of the Mrs Sri Lanka 2020 crown that she recently experienced. She was accused of cheating by the winner of Mrs Sri Lanka 2019, claiming that she was divorced.

However, Pushpika denies that she is divorced from her husband. She does live separately from her husband, but they are not divorced. Now, Pushpika is filing a lawsuit against the winner of Mrs Sri Lanka 2019, who has caused her embarrassment in public.



Pushpika De Silva was declared the winner of Mrs Sri Lanka 2020 by the judges. She also received the crown from the previous winner.

The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit

However, just a few minutes after wearing the crown, Pushpika had to reluctantly remove it. She was forced to remove the crown because she was accused of being divorced by the previous winner.

The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit

Pushpika clarified her marital status. She admitted to living separately from her husband, but they have never divorced.


This woman, who often displays a glamorous lifestyle, is not accepting the treatment from Mrs Sri Lanka 2019 that has caused her embarrassment.

The Figure of Pushpika De Silva, Winner of Mrs Sri Lanka Whose Crown Was Removed on Stage - Now Files a Lawsuit

Now, Pushpika lives with her only son. She does not reveal where her husband is, but she ensures that they are not divorced.


Pushpika revealed that the committee and the jury already knew her status. If she had cheated, she would not have been allowed to participate in the competition.


Pushpika also filed a complaint against Mrs. Sri Lanka 2019 for the act of assault, as her head experienced pain when her crown was forcibly taken.


The case of Pushpika's crown dispute has now become the focus of public attention worldwide. The committee itself has returned the crown to Pushpika and declared her as the representative of Sri Lanka in the Mrs. World 2021 event.

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