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10 Beautiful and Stylish Photos of Andien After Giving Birth to her Second Baby

10 Beautiful and Stylish Photos of Andien After Giving Birth to her Second Baby

Instagram Photos

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10 Beautiful and Stylish Photos of Andien After Giving Birth to her Second Baby

Recently, Andien has given birth to her second baby from her marriage with Irfan Wahyudi or Ippe. Known as an artist who always lives a healthy lifestyle and exercises regularly, it's no wonder why Andien remains slim and beautiful during pregnancy. So, how does she look after giving birth?


This is a picture of Andien and Irfan Wahyudi's happiness with the presence of a new member in their family, Anaku Tarisma Jingga.


Happily embracing the presence of their baby, named Tabi, Andien looks even more beautiful and graceful after giving birth to their second child.

10 Beautiful and Stylish Photos of Andien After Giving Birth to her Second Baby

Celebrating Eid differently from previous years, Andien, Ippe, Kawa, and Tabi all wore blue outfits.


On her Instagram, Andien also shared her new routine of taking care of a baby like this.


Despite being busy taking care of Tabi, Andien never forgets that her eldest, Kawa, also needs extra attention from her.


Still looking beautiful and slim while pregnant, it's no wonder Andien looked so charming just a few days after the delivery process.

10 Beautiful and Stylish Photos of Andien After Giving Birth to her Second Baby

Just look at how she looks in this cool OOTD photo above. So cute!


Seeing Andien's stylish appearance, it's no wonder that the photos she uploads are always flooded with praise from fellow artists and fans.

10 Beautiful and Stylish Photos of Andien After Giving Birth to her Second Baby

Moreover, Andien always looks perfect like a model when posing in front of the camera like this one.


When it's like that, do you agree that Andien is one of the Indonesian artists who deserves to be called a hot mama? ;)