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Zaskia Adya Mecca Pregnant with Her 5th Child, How Many Months?

Zaskia Adya Mecca Pregnant with Her 5th Child, How Many Months? Zaskia Adya Mecca © Herdianto - After posting a photo with her husband, Hanung Bramantyo and also her children, showing her big belly, Zaskia Adya Mecca once again sparked curiosity among netizens through her Insta Story.

Shortly after, Hanung's wife uploaded a photo with her child, looking at each other and smiling. The photo represents a message that reveals she is pregnant with her 5th child.

"Okay, it's true, the baby inside is also fed with ketupat, lontong sayur, and fried liver sambal as well as opor," wrote the message on Zaskia Adya Mecca's Instagram account.


1. How Many Months?

Previously, Zaskia has given a riddle through Insta Story, this time she is giving away a prize for those who can guess how many months the 5th child of Hanung's wife's pregnancy is.

"Can anyone guess how many weeks I am pregnant now?! I will send a prize to 3 people who guess correctly... hahaha (just for fun, seriously!) please, immediate family, friends, and the hospital team are not allowed to answer", added the caption.

2. Thank You Message

After Zaskia's previous post showing her big belly, she was flooded with congratulations from fans or followers, and even fellow artists like Laudya Cynthia Bella and Meisya Siregar.

Those messages were responded to by Zaskia, who expressed her gratitude for the support and prayers for her 5th pregnancy.

"Thank you for the support and all the good prayers for my 5th pregnancy.. May Allah answer your prayers... ?
?The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Marry the woman who is affectionate and has many offspring, for I am proud of you because of your large following.' (Narrated by Abu Daud, no. 2050; An-Nasa'i, no. 3229 Al-Hafizh Abu Thahir said that this hadith is hasan)?
??In the name of Allah, may I have pious and righteous children who will be among the people who can make Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) proud in the future, Ameen", she wrote in the additional message.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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