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10 Compact Portraits of Al, El, Dul and Their Two Younger Siblings, Cute and Adorable!

10 Compact Portraits of Al, El, Dul and Their Two Younger Siblings, Cute and Adorable!

Ahmad Dhani's Children

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10 Compact Portraits of Al, El, Dul and Their Two Younger Siblings, Cute and Adorable!

The Ahmad Dhani family is known as a successful artist family in Indonesia. Through their second marriage with Mulan Jameela, they were blessed with two children named Safeea Ahmad and Ahmad Syailendra Aerlangga.

As older siblings, Al, El, and Dul certainly love them even though they are not blood siblings. They always appear united and close. Here are portraits of the five harmonious children of Ahmad Dhani.


Ahmad Dhani is blessed with two children from his marriage with Mulan Jameela. The presence of Safeea Ahmad and Ahmad Syailendra Aerlangga completes their marriage.


Although they are step-siblings, Al and Safeea look like real siblings, don't they?


This portrait is when El with baby R. They both look adorable together.


Al is a wise brother. Although their parents are separated, he loves his two step-siblings very much.


Dul is the closest brother to Safeea. This is because he has always wanted a younger sister.


He admits that he wants to be a good brother by guiding and protecting her. So sweet!


On one occasion, Dul praised Safeea's musical talent. It's undeniable that they are a family of musicians.


Exactly on February 26th yesterday, Safeea turned 11 years old.


The plan is for the older siblings to give her a book gift from BTS.


All five of them look compact in one portrait. Hopefully they will always be harmonious!