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10 Interesting Facts About Yuni Shara, Once Lived in a Small House and Experienced Domestic Violence

10 Interesting Facts About Yuni Shara, Once Lived in a Small House and Experienced Domestic Violence (Source: Instagram @yunishara36) - In the mid-1990s, Yuni Shara reached the peak of her popularity as a leading singer. Her amazing vocal talent has been evident since childhood, when she was active in singing competitions in Malang, East Java, while still in elementary school. After completing her basic education, Yuni moved to Jakarta to continue her education.

After Yuni moved to Jakarta, she tirelessly pursued her dream of becoming a leading singer. When she was in high school at the age of 15, she participated in the Festival Bintang Radio and Television and won second place.

Two years later, Yuni participated in the same festival again and won first place. At that time, she also received a recording offer with other singers who were part of the Billboard All Stars.

Let's take a look at 10 interesting facts about Yuni Shara summarized on Wednesday (28/2/2024)

1. Once lived in a Terraced House

After Yuni Shara's parents divorced, she had to accept the fact that she had to live in a terraced house with her sister Krisdayanti. They both also had to help take care of the house.

Their mother, who became a single parent, had to work in a salon and make cakes to meet the family's needs. Yuni and Krisdayanti took turns taking care of the house while their mother earned a living.

2. Journey to Becoming a Singer

Yuni Shara's struggle to achieve success as a singer can be said to be a difficult journey. She had to go through a journey of about six years before finally being known by the public.

Yuni started her debut album in 1991, but the response was not very good from the public. She then tried to collaborate with Katon Bagaskara for her second album, but her efforts failed to lift her name.

Nevertheless, Yuni did not give up and continued to create new works until finally attracting public attention in 1996.

3. Success Through Classic Songs and Soundtracks from Mandarin Series

With a burning spirit, Yuni Shara's career reached its peak in 1996 when she released the album 'Mengapa Tiada Maaf'.

This album sold 150,000 copies in its first week of release and achieved 4 platinum from BASF.

The success of this album marked the beginning of Yuni Shara's success as a singer. The soundtrack album from the Mandarin martial arts series titled 'Return of the Condor Heroes', also released by Yuni, received 3 platinum from BASF and sold 500,000 copies in the first 6 weeks.

Yuni Shara's brilliant journey continued in 1997 when she released the song 'Desember Kelabu' popularized by Maharani Kahar. This song became the title of her album at that time.

Since then, Yuni has been known as a singer who is skilled at performing classic songs. It is not surprising that many of these songs have been successful in the market.

4. Forming a Vocal Group

In 1999, Yuni joined Paramitha Rusady and Desy Ratnasari to form a girl group called 3 Bidadari, but the group did not last long.

They only released one single in the compilation album Kidung in the same year. In that album, 3 Bidadari covered the song Kidung which was previously popularized by Chrisye.

In 2011, Yuni Shara formed a vocal group again with her sister Krisdayanti and Iis Dahlia. The group did not have an official name and released a cover single titled Nurlela which was previously popularized by Rumpies.

5. Becoming a Domestic Violence Victim

When Yuni Shara was 21 years old, she married Raymond Mathey, but the marriage left deep wounds for her. During four months of living with Raymond, Yuni experienced domestic violence.

In an interview, Yuni revealed that the trauma still haunts her to this day, even making her afraid if there is a man who tries to touch her body.

6. Interfaith Marriage and Divorce

After separating from Raymond Mathey, Yuni entered into a relationship with Henry Siahaan, a Batak descendant businessman who was a widower with two children, and who was also the former husband of Nur Afni Octavia.

From the beginning of their marriage, Yuni and Henry faced various challenges. Their marriage was not legally recognized for the first five years, until in August 2002, they decided to have an official wedding in Perth, Australia due to religious differences.

However, unfortunately, this relationship ended in 2008 after Yuni filed a lawsuit against Henry, who was involved in legal issues at the time.

7. Choosing to Study in the Field of Finance and Banking

Although achieving success as a singer, Yuni Shara still values education. She continues to pursue education by studying at Borobudur University. Even as a mother of two children, she chose to major in Finance and Banking in 1991.

8. Once played in a film with an ex-partner

In addition to having incredible singing talent, Yuni Shara has also proven her ability in acting. This was revealed when she was involved in the film RUMAH TANPA JENDELA, where she shared the screen with her former partner, Raffi Ahmad.

9. Enjoying Solitude and Staying Young

After her marriage with Henry Siahaan ended, Yuni Shara chose to live her life with her two children without a partner. Although she was once close to Raffi Ahmad, their relationship did not go smoothly.

News of Yuni Shara's secret marriage to a legislator briefly surfaced, but without any clarification, the news slowly disappeared.

10. Productive Singer

In the music industry, Yuni Shara is one of the most productive singers. Throughout her career, she has produced more than 15 albums.

Even until now, she still maintains her existence as a singer by not only appearing on air, but also receiving many offers for performances outside the stage.

11. What is Yuni Shara's real name?

Yuni Shara's real name is Wahyu Setyaning Budi. She was born on June 3, 1972 in Batu, Malang, East Java.

12. Where does Yuni Shara's child study?

Yuni Shara's child, Cavin Obient Salomo Siahaan, is enrolled at Curtin University Singapore.

13. How many years did Yuni Shara and Raffi Ahmad date?

Attention was drawn to the age difference between Yuni Shara and Raffi Ahmad, who were 21 and 36 years old at that time. Despite the 15-year age gap between them, their relationship lasted quite long, reaching 4 years.

14. How old is Yuni Shara?

Yuni Shara was born on June 13, 1972, and is currently 51 years old. She has 2 sons named Cavin Obrient Salomo Siahaan and Cello Obient Siahaan.

15. How many children does Yuni Shara have?

Yuni Shara has two sons named Cavin Obrient Salomo Siahaan and Cello Obient Siahaan. Both of Yuni Shara's sons have reached adulthood. Cavin has completed his studies and is 21 years old, while his younger brother, Cello, is starting his college journey and is 19 years old.

16. Is Yuni Shara a widow?

Yuni Shara has been a widow for 14 years. After separating from Henry Siahaan in 2008, she was last known to be close to Raffi Ahmad.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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