The figure of Khrisna Mukti is known for his amazing acting on the screen. Not many delve into his personal life, including his residence. Apparently, he has a unique house filled with mystical incidents. Take a look at the photos!
Celebrity Activities
The figure of Khrisna Mukti is known for his amazing acting on the screen. Not many delve into his personal life, including his residence. Apparently, he has a unique house filled with mystical incidents. Take a look at the photos!
The portrait of Khrisna Mukti's house was captured in the Silet program in December 2019. The front page of Khrisna's house is adorned with green plants that are not too lush.
Khrisna's house is filled with antiques. His house is not too big, but there is no empty space on the walls because all the antiques are hung.Â
One of the equally antique items is a death mask from Central Kalimantan. This mask depicts a deceased body.
According to Khrisna, mystical incidents often occur in his house. Starting from doors opening by themselves, walking shadows, to the sound of sand on the roof.Â
In the kitchen, he also keeps a collection of antique dishes. All of his collections are well-maintained.
Khrisna also keeps kitchen furniture with this camouflage pattern. According to him, in the past, this kind of motif was a trend.
He also has a collection of dining utensils from various countries. Even porcelain from the Dutch era is present in this glass cabinet.Â
Khrisna doesn't forget to show his Middle Eastern-themed room. Many items from Egypt are displayed here.Â
Khrisna's room is also equipped with a collection of cassette tapes. He owns works from both Indonesian and international musicians.Â
This comfortable-looking bed is also neatly arranged in the corner of the room. According to him, he has been occupying this room since he was in elementary school.
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