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10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

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10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

Ari Sihasale and Nia Zulkarnaen are celebrating their 19th wedding anniversary. Almost two decades together, Ari and Nia's marriage appears to be harmonious despite their different beliefs.

Many netizens feel inspired by the harmony in Nia and Ari Sihasale's marriage. Here are a series of their moments together that remain romantic until now.

10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

On September 25, 2003, Ari Sihasale and Nia Zulkarnaen made a lifelong commitment.


Soon Ari and Nia's marriage will reach 19 years, KLovers.


For decades, this couple has always been seen as romantic until now.


Even Ari Sihasale and Nia still celebrate Valentine's Day like a young couple who are always affectionate.

10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

Despite the differences in their beliefs, Ari and Nia have built a harmonious household.

10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

Ari Sihasale and Nia Zulkarnaen seem to have their own secrets to maintaining the harmony of their household.

10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

Having the same hobby, which is traveling, can be one of the many tips for their lasting household.

10 Portraits of Ari Sihasale & Nia Zulkarnaen who have been harmoniously living their interfaith marriage for 19 years, happy even though they haven't been blessed with children

The couple who have not yet been blessed with children are often involved in social activities to remote parts of the country.


Their togetherness makes Ari and Nia truly enjoy every moment of their togetherness.


No wonder Ari Sihasale and Nia Zulkarnaen can maintain harmony in their family until now.

7 Warm Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid with Angelina Sondakh, Compact and Familiar with Stepmother Even Though They Haven't Met for a Long Time

7 Warm Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid with Angelina Sondakh, Compact and Familiar with Stepmother Even Though They Haven't Met for a Long Time

Angelina Sondakh and Aaliyah Massaid look so close. Their closeness remains intact even though they have been separated for a long time. If you want to know their closeness, let's take a look at the following portraits.

7 Warm Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid with Angelina Sondakh, Compact and Familiar with Stepmother Even Though They Haven't Met for a Long Time