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7 Warm Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid with Angelina Sondakh, Compact and Familiar with Stepmother Even Though They Haven't Met for a Long Time

7 Warm Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid with Angelina Sondakh, Compact and Familiar with Stepmother Even Though They Haven't Met for a Long Time Angelina Sondakh and Aaliyah Massaid (Credit: Instagram/keemaentertainment/keanu_massaid) - After being released from prison, Angelina Sondakh seemed to quickly adapt to the current entertainment world. This can be seen from the podcast program she has on the Keema Entertainment Youtube channel. There have been several guests invited to chat on the podcast.

Now, it's Aaliyah Massaid's turn, her stepdaughter, who is invited to sit together. Although it hasn't aired yet, the Keema Entertainment Instagram account has announced to fans to watch the conversation between mother and daughter.

Fans welcomed it well because it turns out that Angelina Sondakh and Aaliyah Massaid look so close. Their closeness remains intact even though they have been separated for a long time. If you want to know their closeness, let's take a look at the following portraits.


1. Aaliyah Massaid as a Guest on Podcast

It seems that Angelina Sondakh didn't take long to adjust to the entertainment world. After getting out of prison, she has a podcast program that is broadcast on the Keema Entertainment Youtube channel. Guests who come are from close people, such as siblings or relatives. Now, it's her stepdaughter Aaliyah Massaid's turn to be invited as a guest on the program.


2. Photo with Crew

Aaliyah Massaid's arrival on the Keema Entertainment Youtube program was also evidenced by a photo with the crew uploaded by Angelina Sondakh's youngest child, Keanu Massaid. Since the first day of her release from prison, Angelina Sondakh has received tremendous support from her youngest child. Her photos are often uploaded via Instagram.


3. Seen as Close

Although separated for quite some time, Angelina Sondakh and Aaliyah Massaid are seen as close. Their status as stepmother and stepdaughter seems to disappear just like that. They seem to be in sync in various things.


4. Wearing Matching Outfits

The closeness between Angelina Sondakh and Aaliyah Massaid can also be seen from the color of the outfits they chose. Angelina Sondakh wore a long purple hijab and Aaliyah Massaid wore a long-sleeved shirt in a matching color. They look so coordinated, KLovers!


5. TikTok-ing Together

Their closeness is not only seen in photos, but also when Angelina Sondakh and Aaliyah Massaid make TikTok videos together. Although at first hesitant, Angelina Sondakh seemed to have no trouble following the Darari challenge, a viral song on TikTok.


6. Keeping Angelina Sondakh Company While Cooking

Through her Instagram Story, Aaliyah Massaid shared a moment of togetherness with Angelina Sondakh. She intentionally made a story with a funny filter together with her mom."Returning from Bali and meeting mom Angie to keep her company while cooking chicken," wrote Aaliyah Massaid in the short video.


7. Love Sign

Several photos were shared by Keema Entertainment on Instagram, including one with a love sign pose. The portrait of the closeness between mother and daughter is used as a reminder to fans to watch their program.

"Don't forget to watch mommy Angie and Aaliyah Massaid," the message written in the caption column.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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